I'm extremely jealous


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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2010
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OK so there is this girl named Mallory. I kinda like (I mean like like)her but that's not the point. She is better than me at almost everything. Except I'm in AP English and she's not. But she can draw- and I mean draw really good. She's better at Math than me- and she always turns in her math homework. This might sound pathetic, but I started turning in my homework just so I could be like her. Also, she always brags about getting A's and B's and I desperately wanted to get the same grades as her so I worked harder. I'm a guy so your probably thinking it's weird that I wanted to be like a girl. It wasn't that, trust me. It's just that she seemed so perfect, I wanted to be like her- and be her friend. Kso, that was all last year. This year in 7th grade I have absolutely NO classes with her. We're both in the same hallway, have the same teachers too, but at different periods. I've seen her around and I always say hi and she says hey back. But here's where the problems come in -during lunch. She sits at a lunch table on my left that is in front of me. Ok, so her best friend is a girl named Brittany, who I just happened to have gone out with. I went out with her last year and she broke up with me after a month. Apparently she liked tons of other guys and had gotten tired of me. For the rest of 6th grade we were fine. We just wen't back to being to friends. But this year, it's like she's out to get me... She doesn't say shxt to me even when I say hi. The reason why I'm talking about her is because she sits right next to Mallory at the lunch table. This kid at my lunch table was really bothering me and my friend Luke, so why got up and sat down at an empty table connected to the one Mallory and Brittany were sitting at. There were two other girl sitting there and I know them well. Their faces showed no reaction to me sitting there, they obviously really didn't care. But, of course Brittany had to say something. Let me make it clear Brittany isn't popular or anything. She is really small and has long blonde hair. Her eyes are a bright blue and she has a super high-pitched voice. She's cute, but isn't someone any of my friends would even hang out with. She's kind of a nerd, not that that's a bad thing though. Mallory on the other hand is a red-head and kind of looks like an anime-girl. She's very cool (xP She was the one who actually got me into Tamagotchi's. I had to get one since she had one >_>). Anyways, Luke and I were just minding our own business talking quietly for like 10 seconds until Brittany said something. " We've already had problems with people sitting here before, this isn't you seat. If you don't go I'm gonna tell."

In my mind I was like WTF?! You're in SEVENTH GRADE! You're supposed to be able to handle things like this by yourself. We weren't even bothering you anyways. Throw a little temper-tantrum like a baby, why don'tcha. But of course I didn't say that. Then she'd REALLY have something to tell on me for. All I said is "Why? We're not bothering you." to which she replied " I don't like you!" Then she counted down from five with her fingers, and when I didn't move, she told Mallory she'd be right back. Luke had left at that point to go get his lunch. Just as she was about to get up, I got up and started walking away. I cursed at her just to let her know the feeling was mutual.

Going back to Mallory. My science teacher talks about how much of a good student she is all the time. It gets on my nerves.

Anyways, Is there anyway that I could talk to both of them to tell them their cool? I really wanna start hanging out with them again. I don't know what happened to them this year.

One thing you don't want to do is come across a needy or desperate. I know it's going to sound crap, but you have to take your time to get the know and get close to some people. A small thing you could try to do is to smile or wave or say hi to Mallory and whoever else if you pass them in the halls or whatever.

Since you're dealing with girls, they're going to be pretty darn unpredictable, at least to you. If you really want to be friends with these people you should take your time, because in the end it will be worth it.

I'm not much help, but good luck :3

Thanks (; I think I'm just gonna leave it alone. I didn't like what she said to me, but hey- what are gonna do.

Compliment her, which obviously you can do.

That gets conversations going.

Then again, you are a boy.


Just talk to her, hang out with her. Don't try to copy everything she does. If she notices she'll be totally creeped out. Play it cool. Don't be too serious about anything. Just let your friendship blossom and maybe something more will come out of it.

If you don't have productive things to post in reply, then don't post. You wasted 2 seconds of your time looking semi rude. GG bro ;D

Anyway You can attempt a friendship if you like, but usually it's a 2 way street. If you make the attempt and they don't respond well, then best to just leave it be.

Thanks for the advice guys. It's a difficult situation. One part of me really likes her, then the other part envies her so much I almost hate her. She always brags about things she has, that I wish I had. I kinda sounds messed up but that makes me want to be her friend even more. :/ But my ex isn't helping at all. She makes me very mad > :eek:

If you don't have productive things to post in reply, then don't post. You wasted 2 seconds of your time looking semi rude. GG bro ;D

Anyway You can attempt a friendship if you like, but usually it's a 2 way street. If you make the attempt and they don't respond well, then best to just leave it be.

It would have been nice had OP Posted a TL;DR at the bottom.

And yeah, I agree with your advice.

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