Im fed up!


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Try Honesty

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2009
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I have an issue

everytime i look in the mirror i start crying because i look so disgustingly fat and i feel really bloated and gross after meals


Sometiems i start crying whenever i see my belly fat


My gums hurt >:l

and if im not responding fast enough, its becuz i have mod preview on my posts okay D:

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D: April.

Start exercising! Find something fun to do like swimming or jumping rope. Roller skating. Walking around your block. Don't eat as much. Smaller portions. Find healthier choices.

Don't worry. I'm trying to lose my belly bigness too. So we can both try together. :3

Edit; Your gums hurt? o: Tell your parents. Get em to call the dentist maybe.

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D: April.
Start exercising! Find something fun to do like swimming or jumping rope. Roller skating. Walking around your block. Don't eat as much. Smaller portions. Find healthier choices.

Don't worry. I'm trying to lose my belly bigness too. So we can both try together. :3

Edit; Your gums hurt? o: Tell your parents. Get em to call the dentist maybe.
Im going on a diet today *Puts cookies away* 8D

I never felt secure of my weight

And i also want to know does anyone else has this issue or do i need to see a doctor about this insucurite

And yeah my gums are hurting because i kind of brushed to hard xD

also Ben :(

Chances are, you look perfectly fine. Everyone has of body fat, and nobody's perfect. You're the biggest critique of yourself, not anyone else. As long as you're not over or undereating, there's no issue.

Feeling bloated is completely normal after eating. It mostly happens with bread and lettuce. It's just gas, and it passes.

Try not to be too harsh on yourself. When you look at yourself in the mirror, don't focus on your bad traits, focus on your good traits, the ones you're proud of. Being happy plays a major part in self-image.

Edit: If your gums hurt, yes, you should call the dentist.

Edit 2: Also, excersize makes you feel better about yourself (like Feebee said). Therefore, you'll be happier and have better confidence.

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Aww D: Leafie speaks the truth. "You're the biggest critique of yourself, not anyone else. " That part. I'm pretty sure I hold the highest standards for myself over anyone else. Especially when it comes to weight.

And do what Krystal said, the thing about exercising. Even if it isn't much, it makes you feel skinnier.

Yus. As Leafie said, focus on the good things. Like that fact that you're super pretty. You have really pretty hair and nice eyes and a nice smile. :)

Yeah I feel the same way about myself :3 I just don't look in the mirror and tell myself that I'm pretty. That usually works. that and dancing around the house, but even tho you look stupid, you feel waay better :D


I have the same problem in terms of my weight. I know how you feel. I'm going to be exercising and healthy eating this Summer to improve. I've been eating a lot less recently, but that's just one way of doing it.

One thing is certain - looking in the mirror and crying won't help. You have to be active about it. If size is a huge deal to you, eat healthy and exercise. You will see a difference. :)

The best thing you can do is stop looking in the mirror and wishing, you can do something about it. Here are all the tips I have:

-Excersise about an hour a day. Do stuff like jogging or biking.

-When you get tempted by sweets and treats, think to yourself: "Do I really need this? Will eating this help me get healthy?" That's what I do.

-Don't drink soda. It gives you unneeded calories. I stopped drinking soda 2 months ago and some of my stomach fat went away and I feel healthier.

Theres more but I gotta go.

The best thing you can do is stop looking in the mirror and wishing, you can do something about it. Here are all the tips I have:
-Excersise about an hour a day. Do stuff like jogging or biking.

-When you get tempted by sweets and treats, think to yourself: "Do I really need this? Will eating this help me get healthy?" That's what I do.

-Don't drink soda. It gives you unneeded calories. I stopped drinking soda 2 months ago and some of my stomach fat went away and I feel healthier.

Theres more but I gotta go.

-Avoid fast food and deep fried, instead eat things like veggie patties. I just had some for lunch, and they are super yummeh. You can add sour cream if you want.

-Don't eat when your not hungry. That's one of the simplest and most effective tips I have.

Well, what can I say?

Is your weight problem caused by over eating or is it genetic?

If your really upset, go on a diet. I don't know how old you are, and I don't need to. But if your younger, I don't suggest dieting. Just remember God made you the way you are. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be motivated to loose weight, though.

Wipe up those tears.


Find something good about yourself instead of focusing on your bad features. Everyone is beautiful in some way! If you feel like you want to eat, eat healthy foods that you like and don't stuff yourself. Don't undereat either. Try to get some more exercise if you want to lose weight. Don't overwork yourself yet, start by taking walks or something simple like that. Then after it becomes a habit, challenge yourself a little more.

I am constantly having a similar battle with myself. I'm not fat YET - But I'm afraid of getting there.

* Exercise is good. Like Krystal said, dancing is fun, especially with friends. And Dance Dance Revolution is a fun way to get active too.

* Join something at your local YMCA. This fall I wanna try yoga and get a membership so I can go work out in their awesome gym. :3

* When I'm tempted to eat something, I think of how guilty and awful I feel AFTER I eat it. Then I usually can say no.

* When I feel the need to eat and I'm just craving/not really hungry, I eat crushed ice. It's something to put into your mouth and it's good. C:

* I make orange juice pops a lot too. It's delicious on a hot summer day, AND it's really good for you. (;

* When I really need something sweet to eat, I chop up a green apple and eat it with peanut butter. The apple doesn't have many calories, it's sweet, and it's good for you, while the peanut butter makes the apple feel more like desert. The peanut butter has quite a few calories, but it is full of GOOD oils and it has TONS of good protein - great for building muscle. ;3

* Remember: It takes 3,500 excess calories to gain a pound. So if you have a slice of chocolate cake during a moment of weakness, don't think, "Oh no! I'm totally going to gain five pounds from this!" because you AREN'T.

* Cut out processed foods.

* Remember: You're ALWAYS burning calories, even when you're sleeping.

* LIFT WEIGHTS - You're not necessarily going to lose pounds on the scale, as muscle weighs more than fat. But it seriously works. It tons your body and slims you down incredibly. You'll really see the results if you lift nearly everyday, promise!

* It's okay, EVERYONE has a bad day on a diet. I'm trying to cut down, but today I was AWFUL. My friend came over and we had vegetarian taco dip and tortilla chips, brownies, and of course, tons of Mountain Dew.

* Shayna is right - CUT OUT THE POP. Now I sound like a hypocrite, right? I used to HAVE to drink at least a can if not two of Mountain Dew everyday, or I'd go through withdrawl. But I worked through it. Now I only have Mountain Dew when I'm out to eat, a friend comes over, or I'm at a party. If you can, drink diet pop. Zero calories. Some people don't care for diet (I don't), but some people have no problem with it. You should give it a try.

* Some people mistake hunger for thirst. If you're hungry, try drinking something first.

* Portion control is essential. It's not only WHAT you eat, but how MUCH you eat.

* I drink coffee a lot. I drink mine black, so zero calories. The only problem is I have problems sleeping at night. Then I take Benadryl as a sleep aid, even though it's an allergy medication and NOT a sleep aid. Not a great cycle, but drinking coffee in the morning could help craving at lunch at like, 11AM.

* Eat breakfast. For instance, try egg whites and whole wheat toast. The egg whites are full of protein and has hardly any calories - GREAT for reving up your metabolism. The whole wheat toast works wonders on your digestions system and fills you up - kudos to fiber.

* Find a friend to work out and eat healthy with you. It's always easier on the buddy system.

* It's better to eat five small meals/snacks a day rather than three large, square meals.

* Try reading Seventeen magazine. Honestly, the fashion gets me excited and feeling inspired and good about myself, and they have tons of workouts and diet tips - they have a health and diet section in EVERY issue. Or you could check out and sign their body peace treaty and read other inspiring stories of others in your same position.

I used to be anorexic, but I've recovered. I used to read health magazines and Google diet tips all the time, but it spiraled out of control. Keep yourself in check. But I did my research, so try what I suggested above, and good luck. :)

PM me if you ever wanna talk.

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Tbh, I don't like eating when I'm not hungry.

I think, ew gross why do you wanna eat when your not hungry?

That's what stops me from over eating, I never have an issue

with it towards anybody else though.

Please don't be hard on yourself, I'm guessing your young?

well, if you are, it's all just fat what kids have, it goes away as

you get older. You eat sugary foods less because your [usually]

not as obsessed with candy. You grow taller & you get slimmer.

If you do a bit of excercise it will honestly go. It's the boring thing,

but it works. Don't try all these stupid diets out there, because it is

proven that you just gain all the pounds on quickly afterwards & it

makes you feel bad [eg/ Cabbage soup diet]

& if anyone calls you fat ignore it. Who REALLY cares? I know, you do.

But them people genuinly don't mean it, just wanna make you feel bad.

Someone called me fat before, I KNOW they didn't mean it, just said it to wind me up as I know

I'm not fat, but it still hurt. I didn't eat. & that was stupid. Don't do that.

I only didn't eat properly for a couple of days, but still, its stupid.

Ur most likely not fat at all. Maybe its PMS???????? Everybody im skinny as a twig and I think that I haave a big belly and I need to get it off cause i am going on vacation next friday

Kinda same thing with me. I let that go too far once, and I got anorexic, so I have to be careful what I think. It's just summer and i'm not as busy so I eat more.


As for your situation, eat only when you are hungry, and every day say: I am going to do one thing healthy, like run on the track, do some pushups or crunches. Just try to be healthy and don't let your thoughts go too far.

I know they say beauty is only skin deep, and that is not completely true, but focusing on the positive parts of your personality would help you be more positive throughout this.

DONT WORRY....... just go on a diet

before you realize it you will be skinny(mabey if you dance it will all shake of ( :) :kusatchi: :D they are dancing)

I have confidents in you!!!!!!!

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