I'm leaving


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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
I'm leaving in 1 day off of the site because of school So Goddbye everyone!!! Tamablob's inn can be runned by mimitchi... that's all Keep my name though Cause I may come back soon... Thanks Tamablob

I don't understand why people say they are "leaving" because of school or something in real life. It makes no sense. Why not just come on in between school instead of telling everyone you're permanently leaving? Makes no sense to me.

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I said that I wasn't permanently leaving just that I won't be on for a very long time which I said"I'm leaving in 1 day off of the site because of school So Goddbye everyone!!! Tamablob's inn can be runned by mimitchi... that's all Keep my name though Cause I may come back soon... Thanks Tamablob "

""Cause I may come back soon...""

Yes, but leaving is far too powerful. You could have just said you wouldn't be around much.

Anyway, Bye. I guess.

.... Well I'm not going to be on for like 1-3 months or longer... So The site... may not be up by then still that's Why I'm saying bye

.... Well I'm not going to be on for like 1-3 months or longer... So The site... may not be up by then still that's Why I'm saying bye
Well I sure hope you are wrong about that! :( :D TamaTalk should still be thriving and alive whenever you have a chance to return. :)

I hope so too... Thanks and admin you've got an email...

Bye Tamablob. :)


why so LONG :(


(Over emotional?) (Spelling?)

Goodbye!! (Hopefully not for good) Good luck in school. And remember if you ever fell like coming where everybody knows your name we'll be here!!!



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