i'm looking for a song


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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2005
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when i was younger i used to watch tiny pop and there was this song on it. i cant remember the lyrics but i can remember the video:

it was animated and at the beginning it showed a girl walking down the street with a toy? and she waked into a museum or something and there was a boy frozen in ice i think? and she came back to the museum later on but with a plant in a pot or something and she touched the ice and unfroze the boy. then they drove off in a car and .. i cant remember the rest but its near the end.

so if you know the song could you tell me because it drives me crazy when i cant think of the name of something. i know it's an old song but i'd just like to know B) :( :( :D :D :D :D :D :D

when i was younger i used to watch tiny pop and there was this song on it. i cant remember the lyrics but i can remember the video:
it was animated and at the beginning it showed a girl walking down the street with a toy? and she waked into a museum or something and there was a boy frozen in ice i think? and she came back to the museum later on but with a plant in a pot or something and she touched the ice and unfroze the boy. then they drove off in a car and .. i cant remember the rest but its near the end.

so if you know the song could you tell me because it drives me crazy when i cant think of the name of something. i know it's an old song but i'd just like to know :( :D :mimitchi: :mellow: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

r u shure u cnt remember anything else?

cuz it sounds familiar

lol but i hate wen dat hapens to me

like i cnt remember sumtin and i want to soo badly!!

all i can remember is that it was on tv the same time as busted and the numa numa song by ozone. i think they had a picnic near the end

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OMG i remember that! she touched what looked like ice and it wobbled? and then it didnt look like ice? then the boy went off with the girl in a car and they had a picnic! atleast i think. the video was animated like fly of the wings of love

i have an idea. its bound to be a dance group isnt it? so if people name any dance groups they know like xtm then you can look on youtube to see if they made it! :) :D :D :D :D :D

i posted a thing on youtube to see if anyone there knows it. i put a comment under fly of the wings of love coz its animated in the same way. there are loads of people on youtube and fly of the wings of love has 465 245 views so sum1 is bound to know it! ;) :angry: :angry: :angry:

i nevr thought of putting a comment on youtube! p.s. i looooove fly on the wings of love! gr8 song! :( :D :D

didnt it say dont touch on the ice? i dont know if this helps but i think they had a red car lol! :(

i asked people on yahoo answers if they know it. if that helps lol :) :) :(

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i found it, well someone on youtube told me what it was. its look at us now by northern heightz. :p -_- :huh: :D :blink: :D :D

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