im new.


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Mar 19, 2007
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hi, im danief. i recently got a v3 tamagotchi. right now i have a tamatchi, the fat pink toddler. i have some questions:

what stage do they have to be in to get married?

how the heck do you play bump?

what else can i do while he doesnt want to play games?

how else can i make him want to play games beside giving him a snack?


*Topic moved to 'Help for New Tamagotchi Pet Owners'*

hi, im danief. i recently got a v3 tamagotchi. right now i have a tamatchi, the fat pink toddler. i have some questions:
what stage do they have to be in to get married?

how the heck do you play bump?

what else can i do while he doesnt want to play games?

how else can i make him want to play games beside giving him a snack?

Hi, welcome. I always love metting new people.

1. They need to be an adult to have a baby. They can either fall in love with another player's tama or it can be matched to a tama through the matchmaker.

2. I'm still figuring out bump myself, sorry

3. If you buy items in the shop, your tama can play with them from the itm menu.

4. The reason your tama stopps playing is that its reached its minimum weight and needs more food energy to play. So the only way to get it to play more is to give him more food.

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