i'm new!


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New member
Aug 22, 2004
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Hey! My name is Mana, and i'm new to tama-talk :X. I never had a tamagotchi before, but I really wanted one, instead my parents bought me a giga pet that died really fast...

Anyways, I've downloaded a tamagotchi simulator before but it was too easy to cheat and get whatever tama you wanted, and it was no fun not being able to take it whereever i go, so today my dad is ordering me one from toysrus.com , but its supposed to come sep 1 :lol: , I can't wait!

Welcome to TamaTalk! :lol:

The wait won't be too bad... Sept 1 is just around the corner. :D

Hi. I'm new too! You're gonna find this site so useful for your new tama!

While your waiting why not think about names!!!

U can name it anything up to 5 letters!

Welcome to the boards!

If you need any help, PM the Admin, one of us guides, or you can always post. :)

yo mana i desparetly need friends i have had 5 tamas but 4 broke p.s im 9 how old r u :huh: :)

Welcome to TamaTalk! I'm ZAINA_TAMA_FREAK, (ZTF for short) nice to meet you!

There are lots of interesting things to do here on tama talk. But please read the rules followed here.


But besides that, there are, like I said very good information here. For information, you might want to check out The Tama Talk Reference Section. :ph34r:


There is a chat side of tama talk. Its called Tama Chat. There is a little information on it. :wacko:


Well I hope you enjoy Tama Talk for it is a wonderful (and may I say, addictive :huh: ) site. Have fun here and if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me! :) -ZTF

Welcome to Tamatalk!!! Hope you like it here!!! Hope you enjoy yout new Tamagotchi when you get it !!!


i'm sorry everyone, but this is a bumped up old topic from 04'. this should be closed imediatly! :D

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