I'm not afraid to die


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Well-known member
May 22, 2005
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I saw another topic in (non)tamatalk and it was about a friend that died from lekimia, and she was only 12 years old. Well, I inheirited my mother's heart disease. And when I do die, probably from that disease, I would be happy, so I'm not afraid to die. But I would wanna be cremated, because my soul doesn't belong enclosed in the ground, it needs to be free, with god and the world.

I saw another topic in (non)tamatalk and it was about a friend that died from lekimia, and she was only 12 years old. Well, I inheirited my mother's heart disease. And when I do die, probably from that disease, I would be happy, so I'm not afraid to die. But I would wanna be cremated, because my soul doesn't belong enclosed in the ground, it needs to be free, with god and the world.
well thats good u arent afraid. good luck.

Well if you do die I will post and I will put a rember thing in my siggy.Sorry to hear that.

I just hope your saved.You will get to see god.I know gods real but Im just scared to die.You never wake up and if your not saved your penalty is eternal suffering.Hell.I want to be buried.Why should you be creamated!?

i am afraid ,not of death, but what will happen when i die ive heard all of these theories

and i'm so uneasy

I have a friend who was born with half of her heart working, 1/4 of 1 lung working, and bad arteries. The doctors told her mother to "Take her home and just love her, because you may not have her for too long." 18 years later, she's still going, but now any little thing she does could kill her, and eventually she'll need to get a heart and lung transplant. If she's made it this far, I'm sure you will too! I'll keep you in my prayers! :)

I'm very afraid to die, I don't believe in an afterlife so I think that death is the end of any thought or memory and in a few generations unless you wre really famous it will be like you never exsisted at all.

I was born with a heart disease, I had to have surgery when I was 3 or I would have died before I was 12. I'm 19 now and still going. And the docotrs told my parents when I was born that I'd probably never learn to walk but I did, so maybe you'll be OK. I hope so.

I'm very afraid to die, I don't believe in an afterlife so I think that death is the end of any thought or memory and in a few generations unless you wre really famous it will be like you never exsisted at all.
I was born with a heart disease, I had to have surgery when I was 3 or I would have died before I was 12. I'm 19 now and still going. And the docotrs told my parents when I was born that I'd probably never learn to walk but I did, so maybe you'll be OK. I hope so.
With your belief system, that is why you should live life to it's best! Instead of sitting around all the time, go outside and have some fun! You're only gonna get 1 life, so why waste it worrying about tomorrow? Myself, because I am Christian, I believe in heaven, and although I'm patient for my deathday, I can't wait to go to heaven :( It sounds hecka fun!

To all of you who are posting these sad stories about your heart problems and such, I will keep each one of you in my prayers!

well in some of you people that dont believe in heaven I believe that about months later you will be reborn into a new family.Same as right now but a new family and dont remeber anything.

I'm not afraid of death, either. I'm afraid of forever.
Yes, I want to die, but not until I have lived my share of life. I am not afraid unless someone is going to murder me. But no, I wont live forever.

Why worry about it? You only have your time to live. When my grandma was born she was sick and she was supposed to die at about 6 years old. But she is 59 and still going. When your time is up your time is up. You can't change that. No one can. So forget about it.

*sigh* just like i said before.......i'll just copy and paste.

I've given this a great deal of thought. I have come to some conclusions:

Dying is a part of life. I used to think that I wanted to be remembered for something great, but now i know that I probably won't. Millions of people die every day, and they are not remembered for anything. To me, though I know that I don't want to die, I have been forced to except the hardest thing to except: the fact that someday, when I am very old, I will die. I am not ill right now or anything, but I have come to this conclusion as well:

I will not be remembered for great things, but I will be remembered by my loved ones.

Being afraid of death is not true for me, but wanting to die isn't either. I don't want to put an age on the time that I want to die. What if, when i say I want to die, my child is having a baby? or my grandchild is graduating college? Those things mean the most in life. Things like love, family, and hope. It doesn't matter how much money or how many possesions that we have in the end. In the end it matters how we spent the time that we got on earth. Maybe we do live other lives and can't remember our old ones. Some people claim they can. But whatever you beleive, not matter what you do, there is one thing you should always beleive in, and that is yourself. I don't doubt that when I die, i will not be remembered. I am past that. I just... I don't know. I want my spirit to be free. Thats why I beleive in myself. I may not be able to do great things on earth, but after death, when something that i know is good will happen (but i dont know what) happens, somehow, I will be able too. So remember this.

Even famous people like elvis are not thought about every day. So here is a word of advice:

Live every day to it's fullest. Though you may not be remembered for what you did, you will always be remembered for who you were.

( I added some from last time.)

I'm not religious at all, but I believe in reincarnation, so...

I'm not scared of death itself, I'm scared of if I'd feel pain before I passed on.

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