I'm purchasing my first Tamagotchi, which one fits my needs?


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Oct 20, 2011
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Corvallis, OR
Hi, I haven't had a Tamagotchi since the '90s and I'm back in the market for one. I have placed bids in eBay, with little success so far- these thing sell out fast! I just realized that I need a version that I can turn off the sound and pause the game.

I am very interested in V3, 4, and 4.5, but do these have the options I seek? I've been scouring Google and Youtube for reviews with no luck on these specific qualities. If anyone out there has the information I'm looking for, it's gladly appreciated!

Any tamagotchi from v1 on can do that. My personal favorite is the v2, but it's a bit boring compared to the newer ones. If you want a very stimulating and complex tama, go for the newest one you can buy. A good sweet spot I'd suppose would be the v3. It has the shop feature, along with advanced connecting abilities along with the original tamatown & codes.

All three of the versions that you are interested in have the ability to be paused, and have a "sound off" option. I personally would recommend a V4, as they have predictable growth patterns (like the V4.5) but also have easier and more enjoyable games than the V4.5. The V3 also lacks the skill point and job systems found on the V4 and 4.5.

Like everyone said, they all have the feature to pause it(Press A and B at the same time), and turn the sound off(Press A and C at the same time)

The Tamagotchi V3 was one of my favourite versions. It is quite simple compared to the newer versions, but also the first to be able to go onto "Tamatown". You can buy items and get passwords for your Tamagotchi to get souvenirs. I always like to try to collect them all, it's quite fun! There's a different variety of characters to get, more than the V2 has, and it's fun to see what you end up with. There are six games on it, Get(music note), Bump, Flag, Heading, Memory, and Sprint. My personal favourites are Heading and Flag. xD Theres also a shop, and you can look online for codes to unlock secret items for the shop. And like every Tamagotchi other than the P1 and P2, you can connect with others. xP

The Tamagotchi V4 is a good version, but it's hard to watch over if you don't have a lot of time on your hands. This version includes a tamagotchi "school" built into it, and once your tamagotchi is an adult, you have the option of it getting a job if you acquire enough skill points from playing games. There are 52 characters obtainable in the V4, and its a pretty good variety of different characters to get. You can also go on Tamatown too on the V4, but now you get to choose a "Username", and instead of just getting souvenirs, now you can actually use the items you get from Tamatown. There are five games on the V4, Jump Rope, Mimic, Shape, Dance, and Flag, but many, many more jobs you can get for your Tamagotchi too, so you won't be stuck with the same games every generation. There's also a shop like the V3 with codes, and a "mail" feature, where your tamagotchi can receive mail from the King, getting items, and also a robber, where he steals your money! You also get updates about your tamagotchi's school/job in the mail, so it's always a good idea to check it.

The Tamagotchi V4.5 is almost the same as the V4, but it has a star as the antenna unlike the V4 which just has a ball. The V4.5 also includes different skill points, 3 new jobs, and different characters too. I personally think the V4.5 is better than the V4, as the V4 is extremely glitchy and the V4.5 isn't very glitchy at all it seems. Overall, the V4.5 is just like a little upgrade from the V4, but they're both great versions, along with the V3. The only thing that stops me from playing with the V4 and 4.5 is that I don't have enough time to get it's skill points raised to get a good job, and it's more needy than the V3.

But anyway, thats pretty much it. Good luck choosing your Tamagotchi! ^^

Wow, thank you all for the info! Glad to know that whichever version I end up with won't try to bug me in class. I'm still trying to understand some of the terminology. What exactly is Tamatown? I keep hearing the name pop up but then people say that it is disconnected or nonfunctional in the US. Are the codes and "passwords" pre-programmed in the Tamagotchis, and all you need to do is find them online or in Tamatown?

Also, what are P1 and P2? booboo1 mentioned this when talking about connecting with other Tamagotchis. I definitely want to be able to connect to others but are there limits? Can Tamagotchis across versions connect? Like V3 to V5? Or is that too much of a generation gap?

Sorry for the late reply!

Tamatown is a website on the internet that's connected to Tamagotchis. There is a different Tamatown for every version of tamagotchi. On some Tamagotchi's like the V3 and V4, you choose a username for your tamagotchi(on the actual device, not the computer), but then you enter the username into Tamatown and you get codes to enter in to your tamagotchi for different items. It may seem a little confusing at first, but everything is really simple! The new Tamagotchi Music Star(V6), and Tama-go(V7), can access a different Tamatown site called Music City. Of course Tamatown is optional, as I don't go on Music City, but I think you can get different items from there to your tamagotchi. There are also another thing called shop passwords, when you go to the shop on your tamagotchi, and from looking up the passwords online, you can unlock secret items too. Each button is assigned a letter, A, B, or C, so when you get the passwords online for the shop, it might say something like A B A C B A C, which means you press the first button, second, first, etc. The codes for Tamatown and the passwords for the shop are in fact two different things, just so you don't get confused. Also, no, Tamatown is not disconnected from the U.S.

Sorry, a P1 and P2 are the two original Tamagotchis that came out in 1997. They have very limited features, no connection, but since they're so rare these days, worth quite a bit of money if you want it new in box. I myself don't have one but I hope to buy one soon, I just have to find one thats cheap!

And for the connections, I'm not very good with know which versions connect with which. I'm pretty sure you can connect the V2's, V3's, and V4's altogether(example v2 and a v4, v3 and a v2, etc.), but I'm not quite sure about the others like the V5, V6, Tama-go(newest version), or V1. Don't take my word for it, but I'm pretty sure the V5's can only connect with a V5 because it has a "family" feature including three tamagotchis instead of just one.

Any tamagotchi from v1 on can do that. My personal favorite is the v2, but it's a bit boring compared to the newer ones. If you want a very stimulating and complex tama, go for the newest one you can buy. A good sweet spot I'd suppose would be the v3. It has the shop feature, along with advanced connecting abilities along with the original tamatown & codes.
It is actually possible to pause the older tamagotchi's from the 90's by using the clock function. Simply press B and then A and C till the screen shows set. Your tamagotchi will then be paused. However it is not possible to pause a digimon as this technique does not work.

Sorry for the late reply!

Tamatown is a website on the internet that's connected to Tamagotchis. There is a different Tamatown for every version of tamagotchi. On some Tamagotchi's like the V3 and V4, you choose a username for your tamagotchi(on the actual device, not the computer), but then you enter the username into Tamatown and you get codes to enter in to your tamagotchi for different items. It may seem a little confusing at first, but everything is really simple! The new Tamagotchi Music Star(V6), and Tama-go(V7), can access a different Tamatown site called Music City. Of course Tamatown is optional, as I don't go on Music City, but I think you can get different items from there to your tamagotchi. There are also another thing called shop passwords, when you go to the shop on your tamagotchi, and from looking up the passwords online, you can unlock secret items too. Each button is assigned a letter, A, B, or C, so when you get the passwords online for the shop, it might say something like A B A C B A C, which means you press the first button, second, first, etc. The codes for Tamatown and the passwords for the shop are in fact two different things, just so you don't get confused. Also, no, Tamatown is not disconnected from the U.S.

Sorry, a P1 and P2 are the two original Tamagotchis that came out in 1997. They have very limited features, no connection, but since they're so rare these days, worth quite a bit of money if you want it new in box. I myself don't have one but I hope to buy one soon, I just have to find one thats cheap!

And for the connections, I'm not very good with know which versions connect with which. I'm pretty sure you can connect the V2's, V3's, and V4's altogether(example v2 and a v4, v3 and a v2, etc.), but I'm not quite sure about the others like the V5, V6, Tama-go(newest version), or V1. Don't take my word for it, but I'm pretty sure the V5's can only connect with a V5 because it has a "family" feature including three tamagotchis instead of just one.
The v5's can connect with all of the connections released after it. For example: v5 connect with v5, v6 and Tama-Go.

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I think that the earlier Connections (V1 to V5) are best, because they are low maintenance and the games and TamaTown are fun, but I am one of the few who only likes these ones. Everyone except me seems to love the iD L, for instance. Here are my popularity rating of each Tamagotchi I can actually put in, using people on here's opinions, and my own.


V2: Very popular (based on responses to a topic I posted about wether the V2 is good or not)

V3: Average (based on the fact that hardly anyone says it is their favourite, or least favourite, version)

V4: Quite popular (based on comments round about the forums and logs)

V5: Unpopular (but that's just because it's "hidden under a veil of boringness" as I call it, it's actually great)

V6: Fairly popular (but no arguments about it)

Tama-Go: Average (mixed opinions, a lot of arguments about whether it's good or not)

iD L: Most popular Tama on TamaTalk (but it's a matter of whether you can afford it or not)


If you are already considering Connections, GO FOR IT! Here is an eBay page where you can find many cheap Connections. But beware the dark pink one with stars, it's a Music Star (not recommened by me).


Get a V1, V2, V3 or V4, that is my opinion and would be a few other people's if they were to post on here. Everything on that eBay page except the pink Music Star is probably an early Connection. I have ordered one, it wasn't a scam, it is due to arrive in 2 days so you can count on that seller! Good luck,


~ Dazzmina ~

Great chart ApertureGotchi, thank you.

I ended up with a Tama-Go! After getting all my bids beat out on eBay I found a pink Tama-Go with a Kutchipatchi figure on Amazon. I'm now raising a happy 3 year old Makiko. :)

music star sounds like it would be pretty good for you.and they're pretty cheap too! :D

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