I'm really depressed over a movie I watched. How do I overcome it?


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Oct 15, 2013
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This may sound a bit weird, but for the very first time I watched Titanic last night, and I cried for a really long time. I cried myself to sleep, and I just cried a lot, and I felt horrible. I'm still depressed over it, because I became very attached tot he movie and characters. It was honestly very good but I still feel depressed and sad and like I can't control anything that happened in that movie. Does anyone know how to overcome these types of movie depression?

Maybe it's just me, but I research the movie topic to learn the real true story. It helps me understand that the movie was just a movie and (usually) is historically inaccurate.

For example in the Titanic, Myth Busters revealed that it could have been possible for both people to survive on the floating debris, and using various techniques and positions, found one that would have worked.


Another thing is that movies just focus on one or a few people. But the reality is, especially in the Titanic, a multitude of people died, many of them couples and families alike. Yes it was tragic, but so was 9/11, all the wars of the past, etc. The movie just glorified it with a love story to get you interested.

It's normal to use movies as a type of catharsis, but one must come back to reality eventually and understand "it was just a movie." If a person cannot separate reality from fantasy, perhaps there are some underlying issues within the self of the person and perhaps talk therapy would be in order to get that out in the open to cope.

Not attacking you or putting you down directly, just stating a few things for people in general. One can be touched by a movie and feel sad, happy, etc afterwards (and especially afraid after a good horror film), but eventually we have to come back to our normal lives and understand that all it was was a bunch of theatrics.

I got teary over the 9/11 tribute that doesn't air much on/from Disney. Tiger Cruise. They are on an old battleship or some sort of war boat when the 9/11 things occurred. Its a well made movie and carefully made for a serious movie based on real events.

Don't feel bad, movies are made to get feelings out and tell a story. In these cases, true stories.

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Lots of people really identify with movies and get emotionally involved, (I always do.. my whole family think it is hilarious that I can cry at the slightest little thing during a movie) but the only way to overcome the strong feelings you are left with is, like Mido says, remember that it's a movie - not real life.

Don't let a movie take control of your everyday reality. It's nice to escape, but make sure you stay grounded in the real world - not Hollywood.

If it really worries you, why not try to get to know your own tolerance levels for sad movies and stick to ones you know won't upset you too much.

It might be something that passes with time and you'll find that you will be able to watch movies that play with the emotions more easily in a few years.

Titanic is notorious "tear jerker" - it affects a lot of people, so you are not alone in your reaction.

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