I'm really sick


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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2008
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Heyyz people of Tamatalk. I'm really sick right now. It started out as a sore throat on Thursday, just a small one, then it turned into a BIG sore throat on Friday, and on Saturday it turned into a minor cold, but Saturday evening it turned into a VERY large cold. So now it's about 8:15 AM on Sunday, I woke up early by habit. I'm really super sick from my cold. I can barely stand up. I'm coughing, sneezing, having a stuffy nose, no energy, I just feel.... Ugh.

Is there a time when you were ever this sick?

Yes! one time i got really sick. i was so dizzy, i had a giant headache, i couldn't stop sneezing or coughing, i couldn't concentrate, and i could barely walk to the bathroom!!!!

I have had 3 bad sicknisses like that.

#1: Flu: I couldnt stand up and couldnt move

#2: We dont know what it was: Ok so i was in class and i had a very very bad migrane like my head was like exploding! My vision was going all blurry and i told the person next to me and they thought i was just trying to scare them. Then i threw up. They sent me home, I fell asleep and when i woke up my vision was fine i had no headache and i was really hungry so i ate a bunch of food.

#3: this wasnt really a sickness...: i had very strong antibiotic and my stomach reallly really hurt the antibiotics were to strong for my body so i threw them up

Aww, I'm so sorry for you. Get better soon! :)

I've never been so sick before, probably because I wash my hands 24/7 24/8.

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Ahh, last time I was sick like that I got cramps everywhere. So uncomfortable. I couldn't walk properly, and it started at school too so I got a lot of weird looks.

There was once a time when I was really sick. I missed school for two weeks, and could barely walk. When I did walk I fell over. ;_;

The only thing worse than being sick is doing the makeup work.

A few days ago I thought I had strept, but today I feel fine like nothing ever happened. On the 2nd day, I couldn't walk, eat, or do anything, I was offline for a while as well. I felt like I was dead. :p

@ .:puma:. - I think you might have had the flu, one time I got that, and I was out of school for a week. Horrible experience, don't want that to EVER happen again... X.X

@ animelover22 - Ah, yes I had that too... they sent me to the hospital. X.X That was also VERY scary. :'(

And I had a cold recently.... > :D

-Temari Nara

There was once a time when I was really sick. I missed school for two weeks, and could barely walk. When I did walk I fell over. ;_;The only thing worse than being sick is doing the makeup work.
I agree! Makeup work is evil.

Bleah. Currently, I'm sick too, and mine also started as a super sore throat. now i'm trying not to drown in my sleep in all this GUNK in my throat.


Anyways, this is not the worst.

THESE were the worst:

4. Over the summer we went to Pineview lake and went swimming every day in the afternoon. I got really dehydrated and sunburned my lips (that HURTS!)

3. In 7th grade i had the stomach flu for 1 1/2 days. Couldn't even drink water.

2. also in 7th grade i got influenza and hid under 2 sleeping bags for most of the time, and would shiver an earthquake if I came out (100 degree fever = not fun.)

1. In fourth grade I got influenza that developed into pneumonia over Christmas. I couldn't walk straight and almost couldn't get down the stairs, even on my butt. I think I went through 5 bags of cough drops, but I slept most of the time, so I don't remember much. I know I ran a fever for 2 days and got dehydrated, but that's because I was puking the whole time. I also had to take penicillin, which tasted awful. Pneumonia SUCKS EGGS.

When I was little, I had the worst case of strep throat my doctor had ever seen in a kid. I had to get a shot in my FREAKING BUTT. It was horrible. Then another time, I don't remember what I had, but I threw up in class (which everyone later thanked me for because while the janitor was cleaning the puke everyone else got extra recess) and I got a fever of 107. I ended up missing a month of school.

[SIZE=7pt]Yeah I had that too, about two days ago. ]: [/SIZE]

Chicken noodle soup helps, its actually been proven to help stuffed up noses, plus its delicious. [:

Drink lots of fluids like water and juices. Fluids will help loosen mucus. Fluids are very important if you have a fever because fever can dry up your body's natural fluids, which can lead to dehydration.

Try eating a popsicle, it may help your throat.

Gargle with warm salt water a few times a day to help a sore throat (1 tsp. of salt in 1 cup of water). Throat spray or lozenges may also help relieve the pain, which can help you get through the day a little easier.

Blow your nose, I know this seems simple, but a lot of people fail to do this; and the mucus has no where to go except back to the stomach area, which will lead to you feeling worse. =[

Take a warm shower (if you are able to stand up without feeling sick) This will make you feel better, and clear the mucus.

Get lots of rest, don't run around, just drink nice lemon tea, and lie on the couch. Rest will help you.

But make SURE you go see a doctor if:

Your cold that lasts for more than 10 days

You have an earache or fluid draining from your ear

Severe pain in your face or forehead

Temperature above 39C (102F)

Shortness of breath

Sore throat or a cough that won't go away


I wish you a speedy recovery! <3 Get better soon, and I hope this helped.

EDIT: I know this wasn't what you were asking for, but I felt the need tell you how to get better. xD

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Yes! one time i got really sick. i was so dizzy, i had a giant headache, i couldn't stop sneezing or coughing, i couldn't concentrate, and i could barely walk to the bathroom!!!!
Same here a year or two ago actually. I had this awful throbbing in my head and any movement in my limbs hurt and made my head hurt more. I wasn't sneezing or coughing though. Just literally could not move without pain and had a fever.

The fever seemed to break once I got some advil in me, but then I got coldsweats when the fever was broken.First time getting up that day I literally saw the walls like sloshing around like water in a container. Just thinking about makes me feel dizzy @_@

Yeah I'm so sick today that I'm not going to school. My coughing got way worse, i'm freezing and my nose is really stuffy.


Well,I hope you get better.Once this isn't too sick but I was sooooooooo tired all day I was so shivery.......Brrrrr!And I spent a whole day asleep.Now I remember being sick.

I have had pneumonia several times when I was younger and ran a fever or 106. The only reason I didn't go to the hospital is because the day I had the highest fever was on a Sunday.

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