I'm running into a wall...


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Plazmical Ecstasy

Well-known member
Jan 4, 2009
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At the bottom of the stairs.... o.o
You all know how much I like Nick, balablahablahblah... whoop.

Well, Michael (This really sweet best friendish guy from last year, it used to be a thing, but it didn't work.) Told me Nick talked crap about me around other people. I really don't know if I can believe him, though. I asked two of my friends, and they said he may just be making it up because he still likes me. (Karen said Nick is too sweet to do anything like that.) Anyway, Its just, like, In the past few days, Michael and I have gotten really close (11pm phone calls.) and those feelings are starting to cone back.

Like, today, he called me and we talked for like, 4 minutes, then he started freaking out because his mom was home. He said he would call me back later so we could talk. I found that really cute (and in a way, boyfriendish... o_O)

Its not that I don't like him, its just... I dunno... ;.;

FREAKIN LUCKY I WANNA KILL YOU. xDDD Because you have, not one, but two, guys you could choose from, that are decent human beings. D*** you. xD

I'd probably ask more people about Nick. The thing is, though, if Michael is desprate enough to lie for you, he must really care, huh? I'd say that you should keep getting close to him, and then determine if you see him as boyfriend material.

Gr. How come everyone else has decent guy friends that aren't only interested in money and physical highs? Gah. I give up. Guys suck. They need to go die. I don't care where, they just need to. Now I'm off topic. Bye bye, I love you. <333

Michael sounds amazing, if you ask me. <33

And he's a lot closer to you than this Nick guy, anyway. Definitely sounds like he likes you and cares for you. I think you should continue being his close buddy and then...pounce see if he really is the perfect boyfriend.

So I would say forget Nick, love Michael.

But I don't know you so you do what your heart decides. (Cheeeeesy!)

Michael sounds amazing, if you ask me. <33
And he's a lot closer to you than this Nick guy, anyway. Definitely sounds like he likes you and cares for you. I think you should continue being his close buddy and then...pounce see if he really is the perfect boyfriend.

So I would say forget Nick, love Michael.

But I don't know you so you do what your heart decides. (Cheeeeesy!)
Pounce, aha 8D

Yeah, I suppose you're right... I woke up this morning to a text (That happened to be sent last night at 12 in the morning...) Saying, "You awake?" I felt bad for not replying.. xD

Pounce, aha 8D
Yeah, I suppose you're right... I woke up this morning to a text (That happened to be sent last night at 12 in the morning...) Saying, "You awake?" I felt bad for not replying.. xD
12 in the morning?? That's really cute. He evidently can't get you off his mind!

Seriously, I think Michael sounds like the type of guy millions of girls would love to have! <33

12 in the morning?? That's really cute. He evidently can't get you off his mind!
Seriously, I think Michael sounds like the type of guy millions of girls would love to have! <33
He used to wake me up in the morning too, but apparently, he's been waking up later than me, haha.

I suppose you're right, Everyone loves him, ;D


This is why I love Tamatalk, haha <333

Thank you so muucch...!!!!!!!!!



I went over his house today to help with homework. Ended up there for like.. three hours.. xD

But the thing is, it's so hard to remember he's just a friend. Like, even his sister was like, "Wtf, why don't you tell him you like him?!" and stuff.

But like, the bad thing is, when I go over there once, I end up going over there A LOT. Then I end up like, living there, 'cept for like... food, and sleep... xD


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