im so sad!


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u at least hav memories about ur puppy :) remember that hes in a better place now and dont forget him

u could adopt another puppy

hope u feel better

Awww -huggles-

Remember that you have memories. A lifetime of happy memories. Your puppy is in a better place now, and I'll bet that, if animals could smile, your puppy would be smiling down at you. Everything has to end eventually, and it was your puppys' turn this time.

I know it's going to be hard for a while, but you will heal soon. -hugs-

awww, its okay *hugs* just think about all the good memories with your puppy , if you think about the bad, it will make it worse, write in a journal and write little notes and send them in the air on some ballons it helps.


Atleast you have happy Memories..

I know exactly what it's like to lose a pet.

I hope you start to feel a bit happier soon *hugs*


Oh my gosh that's so sad! :rolleyes: * huggies * I hope you feel better that's gotta stink!

Time soothes all wounds. Don't be afraid to take that time, either.

I consider my animals as part of my family, someone closer than even a friend because they help and enrich our lives so much. Don't ever let anyone tell you "oh, it was just an animale, get over it". Instead celebrate and commemorate their life.

Cry when you just need to let it out and don't feel guilty when the sadness becomes fainter. You don't have to be sad forever and your puppy I'm garentee would want you to live your life to the fullest and to not forget him or her but to embrace their memories and also creat new ones. ;)

Oh, that sucks. I don't really know how that feels, I mean I've lost pets before, but everything just bounces off of me, so I didn't really feel much o_O But anyway, I'm really sorry. I hope you feel better. If you don't mind me asking, how did it die?

Awww :( *~hugs~*

This must be such a hard time for you; but, like tamaw/pants said, time really does soothe all wounds. :) Just think about all the happy memories you and your puppy have had. He's now in a better place, and with you as an owner, he'll have had an amazing puppy-life. :blink:

All the best,


Oh, that sucks. I don't really know how that feels, I mean I've lost pets before, but everything just bounces off of me, so I didn't really feel much o_O But anyway, I'm really sorry. I hope you feel better. If you don't mind me asking, how did it die?
he died of parvo it is an infection of the stomach

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