I'm so...


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NeverEnding A.B.Y.S.S.

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2008
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In an abyss of emptiness
Let me start out by telling you, I have a size 12 slim waist, just outgrew an 8 slim, and am the smallest in my class.

Second, I don't eat.

No breakfast, whatever is for lunch (So I don't worry my friends) and very rarely dinner.

Last, I'm not depressed, I do get sad, but I can be so happy, around my friends.. I guess?

Just any thoughts on (Mainly) the food habit?

If you're not depressed --and don't stress about being thin or anything-- than I'd say you're fine.

Well, for that, I'd tell you that I'm not a doctor.

Maybe you could see one..?

Yeah. You need energy and nutrients to grow.

Maybe you could talk to your doctor and maybe see a nutritionist? You're probably not getting all your nutrients/vitamins.

Maybe you could start taking vitamins?

It doesn't sound serious, but you probably should mention it to your doctor and see if it is appropriate for you to start an eating plan/vitamins, etc, or if nothing needs done at this time. :angry:

I've gotten so used to eating one meal (In less than a month) that, today, I ate dinner, and I feel terribly sick.

Maybe you should tell someone in your family.

Let me start out by telling you, I have a size 12 slim waist, just outgrew an 8 slim, and am the smallest in my class.
Second, I don't eat.

No breakfast, whatever is for lunch (So I don't worry my friends) and very rarely dinner.

Last, I'm not depressed, I do get sad, but I can be so happy, around my friends.. I guess?

Just any thoughts on (Mainly) the food habit?
Feelings: Maybe it's by-polar? :D :D :D

Eating: eat MORE!!!! :D :D :D

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Just eat 3 meals a day and you'll grow.

I haven't gained weight since I was 10. I'm 12 now, I eat 3 meals a day, and excersize an hour and a half 2 times a week. It's kinda weird, because I measured myself today and I grew. I'm 5'7 now. ^_^

I ate all the time a month ago, and I grew about 5 inches over the summer, but now I only eat once a day, and barely anything. I think it's just normal. Just talk to your parents about it, then wait till it passes.

dont worry my friend is the exact way same as you and she is tall and healthy so dont worry eveything is going to work out ;)

Feelings: Maybe it's by-polar? :huh: :huh: :huh: Eating: eat MORE!!!! :eek: ;) :D
... I doubt she's bi-polar.

... She is saying she can't eat more.

Hmm, I think you're fine, honestly. You aren't sick so, ehh.

I think maybe you should talk to someone more professional about it, but It sounds to me like you need to eat at least a little more, and the feelings, I think might be hormones or maybe just natural. Sometimes I get that same way with the feelings thing, so it could be natural. But it sounds more like hormones.

Eating is really important, especially when you're young and still growing. Without food, you won't have the energy and nutrients to help you through the day. Not eating can also mess up your insides, like the way that you said you didn't eat much and then tried to and felt sick. That really doesn't sound very healthy to me :D .

My advice to you is that you tell an adult or parent IMMEDIATELY. Please also talk to a doctor. Your situation might not seem very serious to you now, but if you continue to eat so small amounts of food you may develop very dangerous eating disorders. Just please let someone know about this. They can help you.

Also, you mentioned being a little sad. If you find yourself feeling extremely depressed or start wanting to hurt yourself or someone else, please tell someone. Everyone feels down in the dumps once in a while, and that's okay. But when you start developing especially bad feelings, it's very important to let someone know. Talk to a parent or a doctor. If you are too uncomfortable talking to one of them, consider talking to a counselor. Just please, please, please don't let this get out of hand. No one deserves to be deprived of food or feel bad. Please get some help. I will be thinking about you :D .

My friend lost her appetite too. She had to go to the doctor and get medicine to make her hungry. poor thing... You need food!

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