I'm sorry. I really am.


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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I can't help but having feelings for him...he makes me feel beautiful and loved.

For the first time in my whole life, someone loves me for me.

Is it so bad to want him?

But he belongs to my best friend...even though he wishes to belong to me.

It confuses the crap out of me.

Love, my happiness...or the friend I've known for years?

I tried to compromise it. I really tried.

So what if we held hands during a movie? His hand felt so warm, and I was so scared...

But she freaked out. She began to hate me when she figured out I like him.

I never meant to hurt her. She's my best friend.

But I can't stop myself from loving him. I'm trying to stay away,

but how can I when my heart is always hurting when he isn't around?

She's gotten everyone to hate me for simply holding her boyfriends hand.

I have no friends now...I was humiliated all over facebook, and my whole school hates me.

Now all I have left is him, and he isn't even mine yet.

What if he just breaks my heart like every other jerk?

Then what will I have?

Absolutely nothing.

I want to leave! I can't stay at my school any longer...the people there hate me, and want me dead.

I'm losing concentration my school work and have become to fail at every subject.

Because of this, I've been grounded from the computer. I'm hardly allowed on anymore.

So I'm usually sitting in my room, alone, listening to music or crying my eyes out.

You have no idea what it feels like to be hated.

What do I do?

Did I really deserve to be treated and feel this way,

simply because I fell in love with someone who I couldn't have?

And I'm sorry I hurt her. But I feel so alone now.

Honestly, why should your friend care if you like him? As long as you never tried to steal him(except for the holding hand thang) then she shouldn't really care. And she has no right to say that all over the school/or on facebook. Don't let the others ruin your studies. I remember you posted somewhere that all the guys from some other school love you. Hang out with them in a *friendly* manner. And about the guy, well, I say you text him about dumping your friend and getting with you. I mean, what is he doing with your friend if he likes you? Or you could try meeting up, but just make sure noone finds out. And no, you didnt really deserve any of this. :(


I reckon you should talk to this guy. If he loves you, and you love him, and you're sure it's love, then what's holding you back? If it's just lust, and he only likes you for your appearance, then there's no point doing anything.

Though if he's with your best friend... and he loves you? Not her? But she loves him? Hmm. Weeeell, all I can really say is that if your 'best friend' really is a best friend, she would understand and want the best for you.

I also hate it when you lose friends over guys. It's just not fair. And you definately don't deserve to be treated this way. It's not your fault you're in love with someone who's taken. If you're meant for eachother, than you should get the chance to be together.

....Did I really deserve to be treated and feel this way,

simply because I fell in love with someone who I couldn't have?

And I'm sorry I hurt her. But I feel so alone now.
Do you deserve to be treated like that? No. Being hated and having others turn against you is terrible.

BUT... take a moment to think about it more carefully.

He is someone else's boyfriend. (Not yours).

If he really, truly wants to "belong" to you (not her) then he would do something about it (not just make excuses as to why he can't break up with her and start dating you).

I think he is just saying stuff to lead you on - because, let's face it - it feels so good to be liked by someone - even if you already have a steady girlfriend or boyfriend.

He's only human and he's got it great.

He has a girlfriend and her best friend wants him too.

How flattering for him.

And now he's managed to get two girls "fighting" over him.

I'm not sure I would see much of a long term relationship with a person who can sit back and let that happen. Are you sure he's worth it?

(Like Ksenia says - it may not be true love)

And is she really your best friend?

Do you think (in your heart) that holding hands and flirting / wanting her boyfriend is something that a best friend should do?

I'm not sure you have really behaved much like a best freind to her.

Just remember, there will (definitely) be other cute guys and there will (definitely) be other guys who will make you feel beautiful and loved.

Maybe not this week. Maybe not this month. But it will happen.

Be patient.

Sometimes you just can't have what you want.

(Sometimes you're better off without it).

Do you deserve to be treated like that? No. Being hated and having others turn against you is terrible.
BUT... take a moment to think about it more carefully.

He is someone else's boyfriend. (Not yours).

If he really, truly wants to "belong" to you (not her) then he would do something about it (not just make excuses as to why he can't break up with her and start dating you).

I think he is just saying stuff to lead you on - because, let's face it - it feels so good to be liked by someone - even if you already have a steady girlfriend or boyfriend.

He's only human and he's got it great.

He has a girlfriend and her best friend wants him too.

How flattering for him.

And now he's managed to get two girls "fighting" over him.

I'm not sure I would see much of a long term relationship with a person who can sit back and let that happen. Are you sure he's worth it?

(Like Ksenia says - it may not be true love)

And is she really your best friend?

Do you think (in your heart) that holding hands and flirting / wanting her boyfriend is something that a best friend should do?

I'm not sure you have really behaved much like a best freind to her.

Just remember, there will (definitely) be other cute guys and there will (definitely) be other guys who will make you feel beautiful and loved.

Maybe not this week. Maybe not this month. But it will happen.

Be patient.

Sometimes you just can't have what you want.

(Sometimes you're better off without it).
You took the words (or the text) right out of my mouth.

And as Monstr said, she really couldn't have been that great of a friend in the first place if she HATES you for what you've done. Friends should be forgiving. Does she have the right to be mad and upset? Heck yes she does. But she still doesn't have the right to treat you that way.

And switching schools isn't going to help anything. Why run away from your problems? That's cowardly.

And yes, I do know what it's like to be hated.

no no ne is desirbet to be trited like that and thats only thing im going to say becaus I dont relly underst and girly problems (sorry if I sounded mean )

Gone are the days when people could hold hands without people getting the wrong idea...

Anyways, I also agree with TamaMum.

Try to talk with your friend, using E-mail or IM or even having your parents call her parents (save that one as a last resort.)

I think you should also talk about this with an adult you trust. And I mean TRUST, not some counselor dude.

I think if he actually loves you, he'll break up with her. I mean, if he loves you, he'd probably stand up for you. I'm sorry to hear that you lost friends because of him, but I can't do anything about that, even though I wish I could. So, I think you should talk to the guy, and ask him what he thinks

Well, you have to think, is your friend worth getting back? If she doesn't listen to you and got the whole school to hate you, I wouldn't want to be friends with her. But I don't know the whole situation, or how you feel, so just decide that on your own.


And talk to this boy! Ask him what he's thinking. And don't say we don't know what it likes to be alone. Just try to be happy without the people from your school. You don't need people from your school to like you to be happy. After school, hang out with other people, do stuff you like, and show them you don't care what they think. It makes you feel good knowing that you can go on without everybody else.

I know how you feel except i am just hated at my school my advice tell people you HATE HIM

I know how you feel except i am just hated at my school my advice tell people you HATE HIM
Just don't listen to anything this person says, and you'll be fine.


No, but seriously, I definitely understand this. And if I was your friend, I'd be pretty freaking mad also. But she didn't have the right to turn the whole school against you.

Maybe you should talk to the guy, find out what his feelings are. I don't really think you're in love with him, though, or things would have played out differently. The best thing for now is to distract yourself. Watch brain-numbing TV. It helps, trust me. Miley Cyrus was put on this earth to divert attention from more important things by stereotyping southern people in an unoriginal TV show. Use that to your best advantage by watching Hannah Montana. Also, I'd recommend repairing the damage you've done to your grades.

If all else fails, dye your hair purple, change your name to "Desy Lopez" and I'll sneak you into Mexico. Promise. xDD

I can't help but having feelings for him...he makes me feel beautiful and loved.For the first time in my whole life, someone loves me for me.

Is it so bad to want him?

But he belongs to my best friend...even though he wishes to belong to me.

It confuses the crap out of me.

Love, my happiness...or the friend I've known for years?

I tried to compromise it. I really tried.

So what if we held hands during a movie? His hand felt so warm, and I was so scared...

But she freaked out. She began to hate me when she figured out I like him.

I never meant to hurt her. She's my best friend.

But I can't stop myself from loving him. I'm trying to stay away,

but how can I when my heart is always hurting when he isn't around?

She's gotten everyone to hate me for simply holding her boyfriends hand.

I have no friends now...I was humiliated all over facebook, and my whole school hates me.

Now all I have left is him, and he isn't even mine yet.

What if he just breaks my heart like every other jerk?

Then what will I have?

Absolutely nothing.

I want to leave! I can't stay at my school any longer...the people there hate me, and want me dead.

I'm losing concentration my school work and have become to fail at every subject.

Because of this, I've been grounded from the computer. I'm hardly allowed on anymore.

So I'm usually sitting in my room, alone, listening to music or crying my eyes out.

You have no idea what it feels like to be hated.

What do I do?

Did I really deserve to be treated and feel this way,

simply because I fell in love with someone who I couldn't have?

And I'm sorry I hurt her. But I feel so alone now.
I know exactly what it feels like to be hated, and I did those things too.

It doesn't help, even though sometimes a good cry is best.

I think you should talk to your friend. Not on MSN or IM or whatever, beacuase things can come out the wrong way. But tell her how you feel about this boy.

Also ask the boy what he's doing. Obviously he isn't worth your time if he's making excuses up not to dump your friend.

Aww, Desy. You'll always have us! ♥

Maybe you ought to apologize to your friend for flirting with her boyfriend. You probably gave her the impression that you're trying to steal her boyfriend, which isn't true. And while you're at, get your grades up. Don't ever let them slip because of social problems.

Just don't listen to anything this person says, and you'll be fine.

No, but seriously, I definitely understand this. And if I was your friend, I'd be pretty freaking mad also. But she didn't have the right to turn the whole school against you.

Maybe you should talk to the guy, find out what his feelings are. I don't really think you're in love with him, though, or things would have played out differently. The best thing for now is to distract yourself. Watch brain-numbing TV. It helps, trust me. Miley Cyrus was put on this earth to divert attention from more important things by stereotyping southern people in an unoriginal TV show. Use that to your best advantage by watching Hannah Montana. Also, I'd recommend repairing the damage you've done to your grades.

If all else fails, dye your hair purple, change your name to "Desy Lopez" and I'll sneak you into Mexico. Promise. xDD
I agree with .:FeeBumbleBee:. 100%

Try to get your mind off that topic, watch TV, go outside and chill or play, anything that'll distract you. Also, call your friend, or talk to her in person about what happened, and maybe she'll understand that you weren't trying to steal her boyfriend.

Or you could just ask .:FeeBumbleBee:. to sneak you into mexico with a new name and new looks. xD

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