I'm stuck choosing which tamagotchi to get!


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I know the link doesnt work for the v4.5 but I couldn't get it to sorry but please help me choose!

I'd go for the music star because I personally hate the characters on the 4.5, but it's mostly on care. If you want less care, go for the 4.5, but if you want one that needs a lot of care go for the music star. I like music stars way better, but that's me. It's all up to you.

i like v6 cause your pet will have an instruments and a toys and you have a band.... you can have many items...

I know, v6 is also my favourite, but I'd like to know which tamagotchi I should get other than a tamagotchi version 6 and the v4.5 because I already have the music star and v4.5. I might get another music star tamagotchi, but other than that which one do you think i should get? I was thinking about getting a version 2, but i'd like to know what you can do on a v2 and why you like it. Thanks for your help.

I like the Version 2 for it's simplicity. There are so many characters on the V2 that you can get, you will not get bored of it for awhile. The games it has are also pretty fun. Basically, the V2 is like the V1, but with a shop this time around. There are more characters and more games.


Thanks, I might get the tamagotchi version 2, there's been loads of possitive thigs said about it! :)

I don't think some of the people understood the question I asked (I didn't make it very clear). I didn't say which one should I get, the v4.5 or the v6? I said I already have a v4.5 and I already have a v6 and I asked which one should I get other than v4.5 and a v6 because I already have them. Please reply. Thanks :blink:

I know, v6 is also my favourite, but I'd like to know which tamagotchi I should get other than a tamagotchi version 6 and the v4.5 because I already have the music star and v4.5. I might get another music star tamagotchi, but other than that which one do you think i should get? I was thinking about getting a version 2, but i'd like to know what you can do on a v2 and why you like it. Thanks for your help.
I think you should get the V2 or a V3. They're easy to care for and fun also. V1's don't have all that much so unless you like basic tamas, don't get it. Since you already have a V4.5, the V4 isn't much use since it's basically the same thing with different characters and games. The familitchi is a good option if you like the idea of raising families, but it gets boring very quickly. I'd say get a V2 or a V3. :)

Version 2 is simple. It was the first version to include a shop, so that's there. It has 4 games - Bump, Jump, Heading and Slots. Bump and Heading are clear since you've owned a V3 before. Jump is basically just a button masher and slots is obvious too.

Other than that, it's a toned down version of the V3 without tamatown, passwords and more basic items and characters. Some of the V2 characters are also on V3 so you should be familiar with a lot of them. It has everything character wise off V1 so it's clearly a better choice than a V1. V1's only have 2 games - Dance and Hurdles. If you skip V1, you're not really missing out on anything. It's got a lot of items to choose from too - from a ball to a music set.

I like the V2 mainly because of it's simplicity and good character roster. :)

It's up to you which you get though mate. I'd say get whichever appeals to you most.

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Thanks, I think I'll get a version 2, lots of people love it!!!!11111 :p

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