important mail


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mametchi rules

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2007
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OK I've heard a lot of peaple saying that inportant mail comes at 8pm.It doesn't it comes at differant times depending.It comes about 1 hour after you've evolved from a baby to a toddler,a couple of hours after you've evolved from a toddler to a teen and 24 hours after you've evolved from a teen to a adult which are your will usualy get a 2nd important mail when you get a baby which are your 2nd load of jobs :mametchi: :nazotchi: :mimitchi: :wacko: :D :D :D

! mail comes for preschool for toddlers, then for saying goodbye to your teacher, then to school, then saying goodbye again, then once for a job, and then another one for a job.

:D Ms.Mametchi :blink:

Yeah, your Tama can get two jobs, one at time. Although my Makiko didn't (she got a baby before getting another job) I still kno it's possible.

Yah, I don't know why. I guess that Secret Charecter guy likes my tama! ;)

I get it like every 30 mins too. Most of the time the fortune, the dreadful fortune!

when my tama was an adult, i too got mail like every 30 minutes. Most of the time it was either the king giving me points or a theif stealing them. >.<

when my tama was an adult, i too got mail like every 30 minutes. Most of the time it was either the king giving me points or a theif stealing them. >.<
why is every one saying that they get mail every 30 mims how come I never?

I almost cried when my v4 Memetchi grew old enough to get a job. You know that feeling when you're so happy you're gonna have tears of happiness? It just seemed sorta strange... a Tamagotchi you've nurtured for days leaving the "nest" and going off to work.

I almost cried when my v4 Memetchi grew old enough to get a job. You know that feeling when you're so happy you're gonna have tears of happiness? It just seemed sorta strange... a Tamagotchi you've nurtured for days leaving the "nest" and going off to work.
I do that

I cried when my tamagotchi was old enough to go to work and i cried when it got old enough to have a family! (wich it did) its so hard to see them grow up so fast! :huh: :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Hmm.. I heard that you stop getting mail at 7:30 or 7:00 for the day. Thanx for the advice!


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