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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2005
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Mars =D
has any of you heard or seen of a toy called a kitty kitty kitten if you shook them they peured if you have seen one can you get me the website where you saw it thanks (any web site)

plz this is impotant i will tell you why later

I used to have one of those lol. There was a ball in their head that made them seem to purr.

I'd do a search on google. You might find something there.

Ooo! Ooo-oo! Ooo! Pick me! I gots one of them mabobs! And I shoved it in a toy box! Now whenever I move the toy box, I hears the purrin'!


But I don'ts know any site-mabobs.

i got one from toys r us!
when cuz i put mine in the washing machine and it lokks like a sheep now and i want to get a new one i cheacked google, ebay, amazon they didn't have them what colour do you guys have

I have a grey one, but I don't know if they even sell them anymore. If they are not in stores, your best bet would be to regularly check eBay for them.Otherwise, I'm not sure where you might find one.

XD I haven't seen those things in years.
I'd never heard of them before now... but I have to admit, I think they look a little creepy (no offence!) - like Furbies in disguise.... eeek... lol

And... they purr when you shake them??? Most cats yowl and scratch if you do that to them :(

ya thanks thats the one i had and rewened :'( thanks so much tamamum

no if i can only find one closer to where i live

I'd never heard of them before now... but I have to admit, I think they look a little creepy (no offence!) - like Furbies in disguise.... eeek... lol
And... they purr when you shake them??? Most cats yowl and scratch if you do that to them ;)
Furbies scare me too TamaMum :(

i have never heard of those things. they look kinda cute though :D


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