Impossible to visit the grandparents


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user 59735

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
Hi everyone around.

My V3 is now on its 3rd generation, but at the family menu i can only see my parent, not any grandparent.

As i can not see the grandparent i cannot visit the house of my gotchis grandparents at tamatown.

Anyone any idea how to solve the problem?

Click history, parent, then press the first button when you see the parent. It'll show you the grandparent.

I cannot access the History menu and also with family, when i see my parent and press the first button, i don't get to see the grandparent. I think, that something is wrong with my gotchi but anyway, thanks for the help.

I cannot access the History menu and also with family, when i see my parent and press the first button, i don't get to see the grandparent. I think, that something is wrong with my gotchi but anyway, thanks for the help.

well, heres the prob.: history isnt ur grandparents. is were ur gotchis go when they die. watever u do, plz dont reset ur gotchi just 2 have history.

- tamasrule 77

If you are going to have a grandparent in your tama to visit, go to the parent option, and press A again. your parent should be listed first, and the grandparent second. If the grandparent is not there, you may have to wait until your next gen to get it.


Maybe you have to be on the 4th generation. It worked for me, but I'm probrably a higher generation

:ichigotchi: :blink: i've had a tamachi for a week when will it evolve?????????????????????????????

I think i know whats been going on. Unfortunately, I deleted my first parent from the friends list, so i think that is why i can"t visit my grandparents. Just have to wait a while and see, didn"t have much time, that"s why my gotchies are paused a lot at the moment.

I will tell you if i can visit my grandparents with my next gen tama.

I think there are some problems/glitches with the parent list - particularly i the first few generations. For some reason....the granparents fail to show up - even when thye should... I'm now on 10G - its not such a problem, I usually always have the parent/grandparent and great grandparent on the list....but on the first few gewnerations, they kept on disappearing


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