Infa-Red Connection.


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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2007
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Well, I am from Malaysia.

I just bought Tamagochi Version 4 last Thursday.

Why is my Tamagochi looks quite diff?

The photo is shown in my avatar.

Anyway, I just wanted to ask about the IR Connection.

When I just bought it, I tried to connect it to my friend's Tamagochi Version 3.

But it didn't turn out anything.

Is it my IR connection is spoilt?

Or we can only connect it when the tamagochi is an adult?

Sorry for my poor english. :furawatchi:

First of all, don't worry. Your English isn't that bad. I've seen Americans have worse English than you! LOL

Anyway, your Tamagotchi can connect at anytime in its life time. To connect, make sure you:

~Lined up the IR part of your pet (the red transluscent section of top) with your friends

~Selected the connection icon on your pet (the 5th one on top that looks like a heart) your friend should do the same

~Once under the connection icon, select down until you find the words "connect" Your friend with the V3 should hit "Others"

~You hit "Others"

~Keep hitting B so it goes through Stand By and Connect

Sorry if that didn't make any sense.

About yours looking different... I'm not sure. Maybe it looks different because you probably have a different culture and are closer to Japan? I don't know. Did the box say Bandai on it? If you bought it off eBay, it might be a fake.

Hope I helped some.

Cinderpelt :furawatchi:

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Thanks for replying.

I'll try it when I meet my friend this coming Monday.

Maybe the last step you mentioned will works.

Because I didn't hit the B button when it connects.

Hmm, No. I didn't bought it from ebay.

I bought this from one of the shopping mall named Jusco.

And the words Bandai is written on the box.

I can login to the tamatown using the password given.

Is it mean when I can login, my tamagochi isn't the fake one?

Or the fake one can login to tamatown, too?

you're not american,you speak good english for a non-american,it';s probly better than mine :)

any way,make sure the V4 presses B first,that's the only way me and my brother can connect :huh:

Yep It's real fakes don't do that.You have to press the b buton.. I had to figure it out by myself because I lost the


Haha. Thanks a lot.

But I think I need a lot of improvement for my english.

I got a few Australian friends in my college and I love the way they speak in english.

Unlike Malaysian, we speak broken english.

Anyway, hitting the button B during connection is not stated in the instruction paper.

I've read through all the instructions because I'm totally new in the Tamagochi Connection.

I played only digimon when the v-pet products was first introduced.

That was 7 years ago. lol.

I really can't wait to try out the IR Connection with my friend.

She is the one who introduced Tamagochi to me.

And I really appreciate you guys for replying me.

I thought that no one will hack care about this post.

I will visit this forum more often since everyone is friendly and helpful here (=

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