Influencing the Baby Tama.


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Aug 5, 2005
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Alright, so my Gen. 1 Quirk has just had her Tama babies. Does she influence the tama baby at all?

Such as... How fast I am to fill her hearts/clean her up. Does it affect how Baby Odd is going to grow up?

Or, does the fact that Quirk's species is Furaatchi influence Odd into growing up that way? Especially since that's what the father was too?

Or for that matter, the fact that she was in the costume affect it?

Just.. does it matter how the parent is taken care of, does it already begin to script the baby from that, or is it starting over completely when the baby is on it's own?

The parent does not affect what your tamagotchi turns inot or how it grows up at all. I used to think that you had to have high training bars to get a certain toddler but I was wrong. So just go with the flow and have fun! :unsure: :gozarutchi:

No, the perant dosn't effect the baby in any way exccept for training, for example: If you had a Tamagotchi in the first gen with only 1 training, your babytchi/putchitchi/shiroputchitchi will probably not turn out to be something rare unless you are there for it every second of every day! :D B) :mimitchi: :hitodetchi: :chohimetchi: :( :kuribotchi: B) :mametchi:

I'm not sure if I should be disappointed or not that the parents have no influence, whatsoever. xD I guess not.

Thank you guys. :3

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