Inside Jokes!


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New ones:

"Potato" - Me, Sophia, Alex, Savannah, Katherine

Tomatoes" - Me, Lizzie, Savannah, Alex

"Mufasa" - Me, Lizzie, Alex, Sophia, Savannah

"The Family" - Me, Jeffrey, Katherine, Lizzie, Savannah, Alex, Sophia

"Caaaaaaarl!" - Me, my sister, Sophia, Alex

"The Hobo" - Me, Sophia, Alex, Savannah, Katherine

"Oh my, you've caught me" - Me, Sophia, Alex, Savannah


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1.Sir Gary-David, Ceci and I

2.ORLY? Snail-Mimi and I


1.Ceci misspelt Sugary, for Surgary.Then David was like "Sur Gary!" and I was all "Sir gary!Surgary-Sur Gary-Sir gary!".I have an account with that name :)

2.On TC I yelled out "SNAIL!" and Mimi was all "Orly?" and I was all "Yarly" and she was all "ORLY? Snail"

'It's a BUZZY BEEEE!' - Nicki and I.

'YEAH MAN!!' - Danny and I.

'Ospay' - Danny and I.

'SPAGHETTI!' - Tess, Destinee and I.

'Why don't you go home and watch Alvin and the Chipmunks' - Tess and I.

'Say Sucks' - Tess and I.

'Purple is my favourite DRINK!' - Tess, Michael, Destinee and I.

'What time is it?'- My friends. 'Time to DIE!!!!!!!!' - Me to my friends.

'I don't think so Ferdie.' - My friends mum said this back in 2007 and we never stopped laughing over it.

'LOBE' - Me when I misspelled love.

'hey MIICHAAYYLAA' - Tess and I.

'BUBBLE CAR!' Tess, Danny and I.

'Pedobear approves' - Danny and I.


Those are the main ones. There's probably way more :p


Inside jokes are the best jokes :p

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March 14, 2010 11:13 am] Pokemon! - Me and 7IYear 7 Pokemon girl at the canteen?


- Me, Jazzy & Yilian.

'Jnr Carlo's Portobello Deluxe Mushroom Burgers'

- Me & Thomas.

'Bring Me The Slippy Valentine'

- Me & Lauren.

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Scratchandscarface- Krystal and I

haha... that's an old one :)

"No, you're a toiletry" Alix and I

I meant that as an insult towards her... but it didn't turn out xD

"So that's what you mean" Indie and I

We're always confusing each other... so yeah

"LilyBay" "AbbyAlli" - Kirstyn and I

Our user names on this website we go on... we called each other that for awhile


He was playing Spirit Tracks at Church, so I was practically stalking him...

^ Scratchandscarface. x3 We haven't WiFi'd in a while, so I forgot about that one. D;

You're such a morrrronnn - Dustin and I.

Tuuuuuurnips? - Dustin and I.

Woot for dragging out certain letters. It makes talking humorous.

the three best inside jokes with me and my sis:



the mysterious spark

and now I will explain them.

inspiration: we were making up parodies of the game "the darkest faerie" (which is the worst game ever now, but we enjoyed it at the time) where the director is filming the characters, but everything is going wrong. tor (the hero) swings his sword around which somehow makes the chandiler fall, causing everyone to fall underground (how it happens, doesn't matter) the director moans, saying "I just wanted to make a videogame..." then tor says "why don't we just have it take place here underground?" the director is so exited, and shouts "that's it! thank you!!!" finally, tor states "why do I inspire him..."

sid: it's my nickname that my sis calls me all the time, and this is how I got it; I call her sis all the time, so she wanted me to have a nickname too. we were making parodies of the spyro game, and called spyro "spylo" and cynder "sidner". then "sidner" became "sidNERD" I made "sidnerd" sound like a nerd in the parody, so then she started calling me "sid". the end. (my teacher thought it had to do with sid from toy story xD)

the mysterious spark: I had a dream that they made a new spyro game called "the mysterious spark". then I woke up, IN MY DREAM. sis was in my dream, so I told her about what happened IN MY OTHER DREAM IN MY DREAM, and we did a little hand shake type thing to make fun of the title. when I woke up for real, I told her all about the dream and tought her the handshake. you hold up one of your hands and say "the" then you wave your fingers and say "mysterious" and last you snap and say "spark!" and ever since that's always our hanshake and we do it at random times xD

wow...we are SO wierd.

'Her hair looks like she put it in a blender' - Kayla and I.

'Come and get yer dinner NAO!' - My dad and I.

'I also like brick walls' - Tam and I.

"Holland" "Russia" "Czech Republic" "Dominican Republic" "Scotland" "Argentina"

Alix, Jeanna, Chelsea, Sarrah, Raychel, and Myself.

Best not to ask...?

"Kittens playing soccer" Jeanna and I

I threw a soccer ball up into the attic of my Grandfather's barn, and there were kittens inside O:

"Moleman in the morning!" Alix and I

Self explanatory if you watch The Simpsons.

"Pushy-Pully" Alix and I

We both wrote that down on our worksheet in Social Studies rather than "Push and Pull factor"

"Moo cow" - Georgia and I.

"Flagpole" - Daniel, Jen, Georgia and I.

"Because .. it's calming" - Again Georgia and I.

''Ben will you marry me?" - Ben, Georgia, Jen and I.

Edit: Forgot this one;

"Sausage liquid" - GEORGIA AND MYSELF, AGAIN.

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' date='March 25, 2010 06:46 pm'] The W3 legends - Me & Maria. <3
And Raymond, Richard, Lucas and Linda.

I can hear them laughing already - Chris & I <3

You're not in on the joke! - Darcy, Finn & I.

MUM. MUM. MUM. - Sam & I.

Buy a mirror - Zoe & I.


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