intense ballerina training and homework


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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2007
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NY state
pleaz let people be out there that understand training in dance is not a girlish thing but a serious career and its a sport/art. pleaz take me seriously.

im almost 12 and my ballet school has now required my level take 6 days a week classes. i hav a long commute and the schedule indicates mon. - sat im at the studio until 7 or 8 pm. (xcept its 5pm on saturdays).

point is, im going to hav a lot more hw in my 7th grade and its really important for my high school that i do well this year. in both dance and education so much is suddenly expected of me. but wat am i to do?

I need to hav one day off from the school week, cuz ive done my research like a parent on kids schedules and 5 days a week is not healthy along w/hw. but how do i tell my parents this is wat i need? will they accept my request for a slightly less hectic life or is this need a sign that i need to give up dance?????

if u r a dancer or not, pleaz reply on what you think of my problems thank u!!!!!

I am also a dancer and have 5 days a week training. I am also going to middle school! I think you should try to get most of your homework done in study halls. Because I have 2. Thats all I can think of right now!

yea, using study hall seriously would probably help. i was also thinking if i really needed to give up my lunchtimes - but thats for when i get a real overload.

A lot of kids at my school (including me), have serious sports commitments. We have a program for kids at the middle school that do more than fifteen hours of their sport a week called IPE. It basically means you get out of school forty-five minutes early because you don't take a PE class. You just need to get a signed statement from one of your instructors each quarter saying that you did participate in your sport. Your school may have something like this, you could ask the administration. This isn't allowed at the highschool, though, because you need to take physical education for credits.

No, you should not take one day off from school a week. Even if you do become a professional dancer, one day that will end. You may become injured or just old. Then how will you make money? You need an education, and believe it or not, taking even just one day off a week seriously impacts your learning.

Do your homework at lunch. Do it in the car. Do it as soon as you get home and just keep working at it until you are done. What I do during the fall, when I have the most intensive swim program (besides the summer, but I don't have school in the summer), is I do homework during lunch, try to do it on the bus ride home (it's so bumpy it usually doesn't work, though :( ), then work on it for a half an hour after school until I need to go to practice. I end up getting home around eight. I first eat dinner and get ready for bed, THEN I finish my homework. That way even if I finish my homework really late, I'll just be able to go straight to bed. Depending on what time your school starts (or if you have dance in the mornings), you could also try waking up just a half hour or so earlier to finish some of your quicker, easier homework in the morning right before school.

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I just went through grade 7 and I got like no homework. My last homework of the year was about two Math questions in early May. So, yeah. xD

pleaz let people be out there that understand training in dance is not a girlish thing but a serious career and its a sport/art. pleaz take me seriously.
im almost 12 and my ballet school has now required my level take 6 days a week classes. i hav a long commute and the schedule indicates mon. - sat im at the studio until 7 or 8 pm. (xcept its 5pm on saturdays).

point is, im going to hav a lot more hw in my 7th grade and its really important for my high school that i do well this year. in both dance and education so much is suddenly expected of me. but wat am i to do?

I need to hav one day off from the school week, cuz ive done my research like a parent on kids schedules and 5 days a week is not healthy along w/hw. but how do i tell my parents this is wat i need? will they accept my request for a slightly less hectic life or is this need a sign that i need to give up dance?????

if u r a dancer or not, pleaz reply on what you think of my problems thank u!!!!!
[SIZE=14pt]Thats whats up with me... I have Jazz Band(After School...), Symphonic band(7th grade),Chorus,and I can't take theatre because Band and Threathre(My sister may do band b/c i'm teaching her how to play Flute) meet the same days...[/SIZE]

You may think I'm crazy, but believe it or not, I NEVER went to study hall(in 6th grade) and I still got A's and B's! <_<

Just do your HW in time.

If you have to miss a class for ANYTHING, ask somebody to take notes.. My friends and my sister did that when I had band lesson.

Now don't get me wrong, I pracice my instruments everyday, but I do my homework every day too! ;D

And 7th grade is highschool for you guys??? Its middle school for me.. o.o


Good Luck,


Yeah back when I was in Elementary school Kindergarten to Grade 8 was classified as Elementary school, and Grades 9-OAC or Grade 13 when it existed was high school.

I also am a Dancer, But I only have dance one day a week xP

My advice, Work when you can

Do it in the car ride there, or when your on break. Be sure to take your time

You can also stay up for a little bit to work. In school you probably will have Study Hall. Use that to your advantage to get your work done

Ehh I'm not a dancer but I do a lot of stuff around the house. And I have band practice like redtama. Just not Jazz Band or any of the other bands (I'm not old enough yet :blink: ).

My advice is to just use your spare time wisely. Make good use out of study hall and lunchtime. You'll just have to use every spare minute of your time for your school.

The best thing you can do is like others have said, use study halls wisely and balance your time out. Your first priority is school, so always make sure to get your homework done and then take some time to practice your ballet.

Ehh I'm not a dancer but I do a lot of stuff around the house. And I have band practice like redtama. Just not Jazz Band or any of the other bands (I'm not old enough yet :( ).
My advice is to just use your spare time wisely. Make good use out of study hall and lunchtime. You'll just have to use every spare minute of your time for your school.
Wait.. Your going into 7th like me....Right? But then again you go to a different school.. xD

Anyway, Try doing it when you have Dear Time(Or Silent reading...?) or do it during recess.. ^.^

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