Internet dating


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Jul 8, 2009
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Title says it all....

I just think yes it might be weird but if you Really do Like the person then who cares? It might not last but who knows?

What do you think?

I don't think.

I might date them just for fun or something, like just to have an internet boyfriend, but for a serious relationship, No. I think you actually need to be with a real life person for a true, serious relationship.

Just my view.

Internet dating frightens me. D:

So no.

Too many creepy old guys out there. No thanks.

Not to mention I have a boyfriend.

Heck no!

Unless I knew them in real life and I had proof they were who they say they are.

Nope, definately no.

I've heard too many stories about girls internet dating a ''guy their age'' who actually ended up being a scary pedohpile or someone who they'd completely unsuspect.

So no thankyou.


Not only because they could be a man old enough to be my grandfather, but the fact that there's no physical affection in an internet relationship.

I like to be close to people and be hugged.

Sometimes words aren't enough.

No wayy. They tell you theyre 20-ish, but in real life theyre like 69 year old pedos xD

Haha, everyone's all, "NOOO."

But yeah, I guess. I mean, if you really like someone, should you let distance keep you apart? Of course not. And I think if you're smart, you'd know if someone was a pedo or not. xD

I don't think.
I might date them just for fun or something, like just to have an internet boyfriend, but for a serious relationship, No. I think you actually need to be with a real life person for a true, serious relationship.

Just my view.
Yeah same here, and I wouldnt give out any of my information. Too many pedos OOO:

Did it before.

Pretty creeeepy.

I'm not going to be openly in this topic. xP

What really the point of internet dating?

3 reasons not to internet date:

1. It's dangerous! The guy/girl could be saying he/she is a hot 16 year old who is actually a 60 year old raper. :p

2. You can't really meet each other in person.

3. Your going to get tired of it sooner or later and find someone who you can actually kiss.


I think it is OK - so long as one knows exactly who they are talking to - by that I mean, don't jump into the first chat you find and talk to the first person you find. Mind you, I have never dated over Internet, but I have got to know some people better via Internet.

In any case, at this age, it is probably best to have a look round in the real world - it's more fun! Internet is better for friends. :D

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