Internet dating


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Right now no, but I'm too young for it anyway.

When I'm like 30, why not? It scares me, but I might just find the courage...

No. I'd feel like such a creepo. o__O

Plus, I've seen the people on those dating websites... they definitely do not look like they do in the commercials, that's fo sho.

I would do it, because that's the honest answer. I just don't think I could deal with it. I can't imagine what it'd be like dating someone and not being able to just hold their hand. It doesn't sound like a relationship to me.

So I would do it, but I won't.

i've actually done internet dating...not with lavalife or e harmony but a guy i met on a forum...ugh. i wouldn't do like, when i got older either. ^ is right. it wouldn't be a nice feeling to fall in love with someone on the internet and not being able to see them, touch them, ect.

plus it's kinda dangerous. even if we're old enough there are still sick freaks out there, you never know.

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I'd probably do it for a bit of fun, but to be honest, I wouldn't take it seriously. C:

I've dated a few people from the internet. One in Australia who I met off Gaia, and a girl I met through an ex who moved to her state and met irl.

They were pretty cool. We would talk on the phone/skype etc. I met the second girl when I went for a visit and we still talk on and off.

Would I date purely over the internet again? No. I'm horrible with long distant relationships, and refuse to keep things just computer-computer. I hate talking on the phone, but there needs to be more than just text.

I would consider it if I was really old and desperate, and alone.


Hopefully I wouldn't need to.


Just, no.


If I knew the person beforehand, but he lived in a different part of the UK/world, then probably. [i mean, I've done THAT before.]

But if I only met them on the Internet... No.

I don't trust the Internet even though I'm on it like 24/7.

My one internet friend wants me to date a friend of hers xP

He's I think 12 and he lives in her state.

I don't even know him. Like, at all. She said that we have a lot in common and stuff, and blah.

I just feel blah xP

I hope I'll never need to. xD

I'd use Internet Dating as a last resort, but nothing more, really.

Uh, no thank you. I don't trust anyone on internet dating sites - there's tons of pedophiles that feast on desperate people on those sites.

I'd rather have a true, face to face date.

Uh, no thank you. I don't trust anyone on internet dating sites - there's tons of pedophiles that feast on desperate people on those sites.
I'd rather have a true, face to face date.
I'm pretty sure me, and GotchiGirl96 learned how bad that can be.. o_O;;

At first I said no way, now I say maybe.

I mean, what if they AREN'T a pedophile. There are ways to find out. And no I don't mean go meet them somewhere, I mean like webcam them or call them. There are ways to find out and who knows? You might really like them. I do think words sometimes just aren't enough, but that I believe depends. If you want a physical relationship, then no. Don't internet date. If you are just kind of looking for someone to talk to, who won't care what you look like or about a physical relationship then I say go for it. I mean, at least for me where I go to school, a lot of guys are always pressuring girls. (not me but my friends have had experiences) I mean for a physical relationship when they just aren't ready. Sometimes they even break up because of that. At least with the internet, that's not how it is. And No, I'm not saying the only way to internet date is through dating sites. As long as you guys are friends and like each other does it really matter how you show your affection?

My new view on it I guess :p

I'd just like to add another thing, sorry for posting so much.

The whole people on the internet are pedophiles is a bit overrated Most people I've talk to, and know. Aren't. I know for a fact. Not everyone is sick like that. Plus, in my opinion, it seem like there's a low chance you would encounter someone like that. Because think about it. You aren't a pedophile. I know. =o

I'd just like to add another thing, sorry for posting so much.The whole people on the internet are pedophiles is a bit overrated Most people I've talk to, and know. Aren't. I know for a fact. Not everyone is sick like that. Plus, in my opinion, it seem like there's a low chance you would encounter someone like that. Because think about it. You aren't a pedophile. I know. =o
I completely agree.

I mean, I am aware, and everyone else should be too, that pedophiles are out there and giving out too much information is dangerous, but not everyone is a pedophile. In fact, I know for sure most of the people I know well aren't.

So I agree xD

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