Internet harassment


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There was one place where I got bullied ALL the time. The initials: SBM.

I was only 11 at the time.

They called me mean when I did nothing.

When I said that I thought it was terrible to call SpongeBob and Patrick gay (it's a SpongeBob forum) they called me a homophobic. (I didn't even know what that meant back then.)

Once when I went into their chatroom, someone tried to tell me that they were in bed with Kelly Clarkson and they "made love" with her. O_O And when I made a new account and went back in, they didn't even MENTION Kelly Clarkson!

They say that virtual pets are dead. Once I started talking about my virtual dog, Sheeba, and someone said "Sheeba's dead" and a bunch of them started supporting him,

Whenever I went online, and said Hi in their shoutbox, one person said that he wanted to commit suicide.

Someone who was once my "friend" started supporting the bullies, and whenever I tried to talk to them, they called me a %^*( brat.

The admins always deleted my contest entries. (WTF?)

Wanna start cracking up so hard? They say that they're "kid appropriate" and they will not let people post stuff that's "inappropriate", when they let someone put up a picture. HOLDING THE MIDDLE FINGER!!!!! XD And I think they let someone post something inappropriate too, but I didn't see it. It was a broken image to me.

And don't start blaming me, because I know someone who was bullied there too, and he quit. And someone else quit too. So therefore, I was not alone with the bullying.

I don't ever remember being harassed on the Internet, I'm usually very careful. All I would ever give out is my first name and how old I am. That's safe. But you've really got to be careful with what websites you go on, who you talk to, and how much information you give out, no matter how harmless people seem. The only chat sites I go on are Tamatalk (It's pretty safe here!) and Webkinz KinzChatPLUS, where you can only type words that are in the Webkinz dictionary so it's really safe. My mom has told me about keeping safe on the Internet and stuff, and I think by now everybody knows not to meet up with someone you met on the Internet, despite how nice and innocent they seem. But Internet harassment is sick, and is becoming a big problem, so stay safe people!! xox

yes, i have. on my aol account.

because of the name, people thought i was a boy..

so they would constantly send me emails like,

"lookin' for a gf?"

and 'asl'

and crap like that.

until one day someone put

"i like to suck and bite, that good for ya?"

i emailed them back, telling them to leave me alone..

and then they kept emailing me.

"ooo, c'mon sexy. you know you wanna. i'll give you a good time.."

and i was only 11.

so i was like 'back away you creep. i'm a girl, stop it!'

and then they started calling me homosexual slurs and stuff..

and i'm not even lesbian.

so i was just like. "stop calling me that, you know? i'm not lesbian, and that's offending. just stop."

and they kept emailing me for like.. 2 weeks, and then they finally stopped.

I didn't deserve it. I was 11 years' old at the time when I was attacked. It's typical for any 11 year old to gloat about a drawing.
Sure, I really gloat about my drawings. >>

Yes, I have, many times. I either flame back or block their butts.

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kinda 1 of my (friends) had givin the girl that like hates me my Im and it wasn't pretty and even on my old tamatalk someone did that 2 me

Well this isnt really harrassment but this person who emailed my freind said that they're "Nick Jonas" and that one of my freinds freind had won a contest so they emailed her. and she told me she didn't believe any of the crap but she kept emailing him back and saying, Uh huh sure you are. And they kept up like a whole converstation. And he said, Ugh why don't you believe me?? And then she emailed him back AGAIN.And he asked I want to know what you look like. Attach a picture of yourself. And she said ok sure. But she didnt send a picture of herself. I think she actually believes its some guy that knows her and so she just wants to keep flirting and talking with him. I told her,"Stop talking to him! You don't know who is. He could be 40 for who knows! this isnt safe. You should stop." But she didnt say anything. She just listened to me and changed the subject...

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