Internet Spam.


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Well, we all know what internet spam is.

Pretty much just ads, websites and stuff that aren't meant to come up or anything. Oh, and popups.

These range from small things like fake IQ tests, fake alerts all the way to computer viruses, and in extreme cases, computer deaths D:

I was just looking up some lyrics, and it came up with a porn site. That also happens when you write typos for popular sites and stuff (like it happened to Esther XD).

So yeah, pretty much talk about it here. Have you ever been pulled into a hoax? Anything serious ever happen to your computer?

Well, I have got this fake virus scanner and it gave me a bad virus... Yup. And I hate those pop-ups. I can't find any good download site without any pop-ups. I want to download songs >:[

Hey, ilovekuchipa555 , you can get good songs from Beemp3, a download search engine. ;]

Anyway, yeah. x.x;

I got a porn virus thing once. It showed pop-ups of.. Adult content things, and I had to reboot my computer. Everything gone. D:

Otherwise, I also get chain mail from friends. Over emails. though, someone got a virus that logs your data, and it got into their account. x.x

Anyway, spam = >:[

Well, I have got this fake virus scanner and it gave me a bad virus... Yup. And I hate those pop-ups. I can't find any good download site without any pop-ups. I want to download songs >:[
Oh! Oh! I got that! Well I think I did. Was it Antivirus 2009? GAWD that was annoying. It just installed itself onto my computer when I was on a sims 2 download website and it kept saying, "LIEK OMG U HAVE LIEK 6 BILLION VIRUSES!!1111!!!!11" When I only had one which was THAT cursed little...Yeah. And it kept shutting down the computer and making pop-ups come up that were trying to get me to buy it and apparently that just stored more crap.

Anyway, you can download limewire. It's awesome, and I don't THINK it gives you viruses.

Oh, and I got a pop-up virus as well. You're not alone Nix. When ever I was connected to the internet, even when I wasn't even ON it then those things popped up. It even closed games to show up these stupid websites. And the images were...well, yeah. X-rated.

I usually get cursor or netflix pop-ups! arggghhhh! They are sooo annoying! Also, I get the "congratulations, you have been chosen to win a free _____!"

It's just a scam! Also, I clicked on something that popped up one time, and my computer screen turned blue! The dreaded blue screen!!!

Off topic: Yeah, I'm really weird.

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Well, I have got this fake virus scanner and it gave me a bad virus...
That's happened to me on I always have to close the screen before it does anything. =l

I hate those. My brother got a virus on this [Our desktop] computer so hes banned from the laptops.

We have a pop-up blocker that actually works so we don't get pop-ups. Its goood.


i don't get popups because i have something called a "popup blocker"

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I typed youtube in on google to see if any videos cameup, and towards the bottom I saw Redtube. I was all wtf is that? So I clicked it (stupidly, might I add) and it was an..."adult website".

Never going there again x.x

I hate those. I always get the Classmates thing, "You won a free dinner for two!" or IQ tests. They are so annoying D<

Eww, popups suck. > :lol:

I was watching a video,(wasn't on youtube)and this stupid poker ad kept popping up.


Sorry, just ticked. :angry:

EDIT: Oh yea, and when I was looking for this Neopets tips site, this effin porn site came up instead...

Ugh. :huh:

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I accidentally clicked an advertisment, then it brought me to a random spam page. Oh, and I received a message on another forum with links to Pornstube, an adult's website. I hate stupid chain letters too. They're really annoying!

Hey, ilovekuchipa555 , you can get good songs from Beemp3, a download search engine. ;]
Oh, yus. I use that ;D

Oh! Oh! I got that! Well I think I did. Was it Antivirus 2009? GAWD that was annoying. It just installed itself onto my computer when I was on a sims 2 download website and it kept saying, "LIEK OMG U HAVE LIEK 6 BILLION VIRUSES!!1111!!!!11" When I only had one which was THAT cursed little...Yeah. And it kept shutting down the computer and making pop-ups come up that were trying to get me to buy it and apparently that just stored more crap.

Anyway, you can download limewire. It's awesome, and I don't THINK it gives you viruses.

Oh, and I got a pop-up virus as well. You're not alone Nix. When ever I was connected to the internet, even when I wasn't even ON it then those things popped up. It even closed games to show up these stupid websites. And the images were...well, yeah. X-rated.
Oh, yes! It was that one! Lol. Yeah, my compy started restarting itself, and sometimes completely shutting down. I got so mad xD

My cousins, especaially the older one, Alice, used to download lots and lotsa random krap like those "FREE SMILEYS FREE SMILEYS" that are advertised everywhere. And oneday the gotta virus. It showed a little pop-up speech bubble saying "your computer is infected". It was a trojan virus, and it took my dad an hour and a half to get rid of it.

I haven't stumbled onto any adult website, I am pretty careful when I go browsing for websites.

I hate chain mail, or chain messages on YouTube. "now u have start readin this dunt stop. this is so scary cos it works. send this to 14 other vids in 10 minutes and then press f4 ur crushs name will appear across the screen if u break the chain u willl have releshonship problems 4 the rest of ur life!!111!!"

Chain mail on IMVU or similar- "if u need more credits copy and paste this msg send it two 14 ppl and when ur done press f4 and you will have 8,000,0000,00 credits it really works"

Arrghhhh.. Spam!! >=[

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