iPod Survey


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Color: Silver.

Model: Nano? : D

Do you have a case? I did. But it was pink, and ugly. So I broke it. :]

How many songs? 77, I fail.

Longest song? 4:18.

Which artist do you have the most songs by? Pshh, Fall Out Boy. Thank you, Michaela. xD

How many playlists? Nine. <3

Most played song? The Only Difference Between Suicide and Martyrdom is the Press Covrage - Panic! at the Disco : DDDD

How many artists? Ten...? Fail.

Albums? So not counting that. A lot.

Do you have any movies/podcasts? No ;-;

Do you love/like/hate your iPod? iPod = love. If only I could find it ;_;

Color: Blueeeee.

Model: Idk, nano?

Do you have a case? Nup.

How many songs? 1200 + ahaha.

Longest song? (Can't be stuffed to type the whole title lol) Homecoming - Green Day ♥

Which artist do you have the most songs by? Paramore.

How many playlists? 3 :)

Most played song: Stop This Song (Lovesick Melody) - Paramore.

How many artists? Manymanymany :)

Albums? Lots lol D:

Do you have any movies/podcasts? Yeah videos of Nathan Brake from Australian Idol hahahaha.

Do you love/like/hate your iPod? LOVEEEEEEEEEE ♥


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