Irritating me..>.<


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Jan 14, 2008
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Hey guys.

OK. For the longest time, I've been ''the nerd'', but I had a variety of ''popular'' friends. Now, ever since a hurtful comment made by one of my friends, I started to change. I'm starting to take less care in my work, be more outgoing, flirty, and actually being a little meaner, too.

I know people think ''i'd rather be hated for who i am then loved for who im not'' but I can't seem to follow that phrase. I want to be liked, no matter what that means.

But should it really include changing myself? D:

Also, I've liked this boy for a longgg time.

We were close, then we got spilt into different classes. At first, who never spoke, but then for a long period of time we hung out practically everyday! I went to his house, we wrestled, we went sledidng, threw snowballs, played hockey...yet, after a little while, we drifted agian and it's been that way ever since. Sometimes I catch him looking at me as he walks past me in the halls, as if he's waiting for me to say something. But I keep my head down and pretend not to see him (yeah, I know..I am shy around him!).

I still love him but....I'm starting to grow feelings for this other boy. I am his tutor in math (he is in my class), and up unitll just a few short days ago, he barely talked ot me. But then things changed. He would talk to me, ask me personal questions (favourite hobbies, favourite games, etc.), try and make me laugh, and would always ask me for help. He even insisted I helped him with his work instead of another girl that likes him. Today I caught him staring at me, and he was smiling. Then he feet wrapped around my feet for a spilt second.

I admit; this guy is cute. Although he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, he's usually pretty nice (yet he is very competitive when it comes to sports). I liked him last year for a few months, but gave up. Now, I'm starting to like him again. BUT WHY!?!? I stil like my other crush (of course) but I think my heart has given up hope. I've been through too many heartbreaks. Is it time to let go, and let my feelings for the other boy take over? Or should I stop liking the second boy, and continuing to thrive for the 1st? Or is liking two people OK?

1st boy: Light brown hair, caramel brown eyes, sporty, funny, cute, extremely nice

2nd boy: Platinum blonde hair, deep blue eyes, light freckles, funny, sporty, sometimes acts like a complete idiot (but really, what boy doesnt?), slim, cute

Grrr...these two things are irritating me!! I'm confused. x.x Please help.

No...don't change yourself just to fit in. It's really not cool, and you may have to do some things that you're just not ready to do. Plus, you may end up regretting it. Oh yah, and it's SO not worth getting bad grades! If you be yourself, you'll make good friends whom you share common interests with, and you wont have to act fake and plastic around them. Being a content nerd is better than being a distressed plastic diva. Trust me, I'm saying this through experience.

About the guy thing...I'd like them both. If you want a guy who will be with you always and will be by ya side, choose guy one. If you want a flirty funny guy choose dude number two.

Okay I hoped I helped!


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