Is 12 (6th grade) an appropriate age...


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2007
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Uh hi,

I'm just wondering if you think that 12 years old (6th grade) is an appropriate age for kissing? First kissing?

Just a question.

i was 11 1/2 when i got my first kiss... so... not really... but it was like a little peck, not like a make-out session. so it wasnt that extreme

Ehh~ It really depends if your ready for it or not.

I had my first kiss when I was 8! X_X" And it was well...Not romantic or anything. Just kind of, I dunno...Lame. D:

I wasn't really ready for it. And this kid was like, all over me. It was just creepy. D:

But basically, I wasn't ready for it. And I find it a waste, for my first kiss. X_X

But as long as your sure you want this person to receive this kiss, and your sure...Go crazy with it! xD

I'm 12 and in the 6th grade too. I think 14 is the appropriate age for ur first kiss. I like someone (a lot) in my class but kissing him is still a little too gross for me to think about. xD

Anyways, I think you should have ur first kiss when you feel ready. It can be any age.

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I had my first kiss when I was 13 (I think....I might have been twelve, I'm really not sure!) anyway, it wasn't just a little peck. It was a full-on makeout session. Now that I think back to it and I've had more experience, I realize what a terrible kisser he was. I think I was ready, but to be honest I don't know. The only problem I have with it is that he later turned out to be gay :( He and I dated for about 8 months, and I found out 3 years later that he was gay.

I would wait, but there are people who give their first kisses very young, and people who will wait a long time before doing that.

Do what you think is correct - that is, do you treasure a lot this first kiss, and therefore you would sooner hang on till you are older?

However, I expect that if you do have a boyfriend, and you like them a lot then you would probably give them a kiss even if it is only on the cheek or on the hand which in my opinion is just as good. ;)

As for me, I am 14 and have not gone through all that. I do have an embarassing memory of when I was 6 though, there was this boy who kept wanting to marry me and have kids in Florida and he did give me a kiss once. Actually, at the time I didn't even know he liked me.

Apparently he had a crush on me for about 6 years (all through Primary school), and then last year he declared himself gay, so I guess I must have reminded him of a boy. :D

Anyway, ignoring my crazy stories - whatever you do, be sure not to kiss in front of any crowds or in school. It could be embarassing for both of you.

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First kiss for me was few days after my 17th birthday, and it was a it more than a peck lol. Definitely worth the wait if you're going for a serious relationship.

I'd say that if you're really REALLY ready for it, then it's okay. But I'd say that 12 is kind of young to kiss...and waiting for when you're older and in a more serious relationship would make it more "real"...not just kissing to be kissing, you know? Like, when you're older, you'll know it's love and you'll just want to go for it. ;)

Maybe if you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend, a cute peck on the cheek is okay. :D Hugs are even better.

And remember...NOTHING beats a good, sincere, loving smile.


I personally don't think it is the appropriate time to kiss, not even a peck. :)

I think you could kiss another boy when you are 13+.

If you have a serious relationship with a boy and you guys are boyfriend + girlfriend, you could kiss them on the hand or the cheek, but I really don't think it is the right time for the lips just yet. :)

Here in 6th grade, we got some pecks and some MAJOR Lip locks.....French kissing....Yeah. Well Me opinion, I would wait untill I get a little more older and Mature ^_^

Well, I consider a first kiss as the actual, you know, between normal and french-kissing, like, no tongue, but still passionate? I think at least 14 for that, unless you have been together since you were nine or something.(I just used me as an example...) But 11, 12, 13 is nice for cute cheek pecks or hug-from-behind-then-kiss-on-cheek things, that's what I'm doing, first day of high school.

Anyway, I say 14 should be perfect for your first passionate kiss.

I'm 11 and still find the whole idea of kissing scary. Not gross or anything, I'm not even near ready for it. Not even a peck. And I know it's good to wait and all, but I keep hearing about people kissing or wanting to kiss really early. And I can't even imagine even considering that yet. o_O Besides, I don't like any of the boys in my, at all..they all act like they're in first grade and are obsessed with bombs and wars and violence and stuff and so immature. xD So, I guess if you really wanted to you could, but, it feels so weird to me, that, I've never had the urge to kiss anyone. Not even thought about it or considered it. Is that normal? O__O

I had my first peck on the lips when I was 12, and I'm not some crazy hormonal freak kissing every guy I know.

I'm sure it's fine, but wait for all that passionate stuff.

I am 13, 14 next month and just had my first kiss at an ice skating rink with a guy i had just met yesterday. And it was more then a peck, it was a full-on makeout session. He was cute, and nice, and he wanted to kiss me, and, i guess i wanted to kiss him. My friends and his friends both put us in a hockey locker room and we kissed, i gave him my phone number, and kissed again. I am not sure if i am proud of it, but now its in the past and there is nothing i can do about it. Whenever your ready i guess is a good time, as long as you are over 13:)


11/12 that is way too young. You definetly should be older around 14

I'm 11 and still find the whole idea of kissing scary. Not gross or anything, I'm not even near ready for it. Not even a peck. And I know it's good to wait and all, but I keep hearing about people kissing or wanting to kiss really early. And I can't even imagine even considering that yet. o_O Besides, I don't like any of the boys in my, at all..they all act like they're in first grade and are obsessed with bombs and wars and violence and stuff and so immature. xD So, I guess if you really wanted to you could, but, it feels so weird to me, that, I've never had the urge to kiss anyone. Not even thought about it or considered it. Is that normal? O__O
lol, guys in my class were like that too, until we got 'responsibilities' and we had to take care of younger children.

It's normal, don't worry! Everyone is different, so don't bother yourself, just wait and it'll happen.

I say that as long as you're ready and you really want to, go for it.

But if you don't think it will mean a lot, or if you're not sure if you want to do it, then don't.

I know a lot of kids at my school that had theirs then, but I haven't had mine yet.

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