Is 12 too young for eyeliner?


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Well, if your Mom thinks 12yrs is too young for eye liner then ... it is too young.

She is your Mom - she not everyone elses Mom - and she's not in charge of caring for all your friends, just you :puroperatchi:

There's no set/agreed age for when you can wear eye liner - it's pretty much up to you and your parents to discuss it sensibly and maturely. If you shout and pout and whine and say "... all my friends are allowed to, so I should be as well" then you are just showing her that you still behave like a child. That is just going to convince her that you are definitely too young for eye liner :ichigotchi:

Maybe it is best to be polite and quiet about it and say that you feel disappointed and a little embaressed that you are one of the only ones in your group of friends who is not allowed to wear eye liner.

Tell her it makes you feel left out and ask her if there are any special times when she will let you wear eye liner - for example, at weekends or to parties, but not at school. You might want to reassure her that you are not asking to be allowed to wear full make up, just a little eye liner.

You might also ask her (in your most polite and respectful voice) if she has thought about what age you should be for her to allow you to wear eyeliner and what age she thinks you should be for her to allow you to wear full make up. You never know... if you discuss it in a polite and sensible way, she might think more about it and decide it is ok.

But honestly, confrontation and shouting never works - it just makes parents more stubborn.

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I'm going into 7th grade and I'm not allowed to wear eyeliner. My mom thinks I'm too young(i'm 12!!!) All my friends wear it.
well I know some people who were 11 when they wore eyeliner

I'm 13 and I still don't wear any makeup

everyone is different, including moms

listen to your mom what harm will it do?

I understand how you feel. When all of your friends have the new cool trend, it's easy to be upset when parents 'get in the way'.

But think - she is your mom, and she is looking for the best for you. In a year or so, I'm sure she'll be fine with it! As TamaMum has stated, if you want to get anywhere with this, you need to discuss it with your mum in a mature, sensible way. Shouting & Pouting are big no-nos!

Remember - the more mature you are - the closer you are to your eye liner needs!


As for the actual eye liner, I am 12 (nearly 13, though) and think it looks alright but I never really wear it myself. I had a friend put a line of turqouise liner under my eyes at her party once, but apart from that, I have never worn it in my life! You don't need eye liner to be pretty. Maybe it is a little too much to be wearing it at 11. I agree with your mom here. Wait a year or so, and maybe things will be different!


Your friends are all wearing it, but it doesn't hurt to be a different! Maybe you could find a new great look that your mom will let you wear! Check whether you're allowed to wear a subtle, pearly pink eyeshadow (it can look great but not tarty at all!) or some clear lip gloss, which is every bit as fab as eye liner!


Good luck! :mametchi:


EDIT: I just edited the post to change the font to Arial!

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I don't think you should put too much pressure on this.

Your mom may just be afraid that, if she were to let you wear eyeliner, you might overuse it and cake it on.

If she says you're too young, wait a good while, and show her you can be mature about it, and then talk it out with her later. You may just have to be patient. ;]

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She is your Mom - she not everyone elses Mom - and she's not in charge of caring for all your friends, just you :wacko:
I couldn't have said it better myself. Just talk to your mom about it. But don't whine. It just sounds immature and she'll DEFINITLEY not let you wear eyeliner.

Well, it depends. Do you think you're old enough for eyeliner? Maybe your mom's right. TamaMum and MnMztama495 have a point. Your mom is YOUR mom, she's not anyone else's mom. You may think that it's annoying not getting what you want, but you have to be patient and wait a little while. I wear eyeliner, and I don't think it makes me look any different than what I do now.

Hope I helped! :wacko:

-Temari Nara

[SIZE=13pt]D:...Awww why would you want to cover up your eyes with eyeliner! ^.^"[/SIZE]

Or any other make-up for that matter! :p

I'm sure your beautiful enough without any eyeliner! ^.^"

:p I say listen to your mom! I'm sure she knows best. ;] (OR DOES SHE!! O_O z0mg3tz)

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I agree with Anime girl...I'm sure your face is pretty enough without make-up.

But if you'd like to discuss it with your parents, well...just follow Tama Mum's advice :p

Eyeliner looks pretty on me. My mom put some on me today for my party (it's my B-day today)

She just does'nt want me to grow up. A mom thing. :p

I am almost sure that your friends will not reject you just because you do not wear eyeliner.

Maybe a somewhat light lipstick will do.

I didn't start wearing it until I was fourteen, but I didn't want to wear it until then either so no one really stopped me. You could maybe try reaching a middle ground with her like ask her is she could give you a makeup lesson on wearing lighter eye liner and then in a few years you could wear more when you reach a certain age or something.

If not you can sometimes get similar looks with darker eye shadows and smudging it along your lower lash line with an angel brush too. You can still do interesting things with eye makeup without eye liner too. I actually like am in love with eye makeup so if you want you coul pm me and I can tell you what else you can do.

But mainly just be reasonable, maybe see if you can at thirteen. Do not whine.

"All my friends wear it" is not a valid excuse.

Why the heck would you want to wear eyeliner?! You're 12 years old. Not an old cougar who's going out to the bars.

You're young and beautiful, no need for makeup.

I'm going into 7th grade and I'm not allowed to wear eyeliner. My mom thinks I'm too young(i'm 12!!!) All my friends wear it.
I am 12 years old and I am aloud to wear eye liner. But you should just respect your moms choice :mellow: maybe she'll change her mind when she sees how mature your acting.

But honestly, confrontation and shouting never works - it just makes parents more stubborn.
My parents are different... if I'm polite and quiet about their descion, they automatically assume that I don't care enough about the topic to, "throw a fit." So if I make a big deal out of something, my parents are more likely to give in.

My parents are so weird. :p

You should follow TamaMum's advice though, chances are your parents are normal in that way. ;)

My friend's parents won't let her wear any make up until she is 16. O: For her birthday I got her a gift card and an eye shadow pallet and her parents said, "Oh, Sharon isn't allowed to wear makeup until she is 16. We'll put this away and give it to her then." Then they took her eye shadow. This was on her 14th birthday. I felt so bad. :mellow:

My mom let me wear eye liner at 10~one of the things she doesn't care about is make-up. I can cake it on and she could care less. I don't wear it all the time though. A down fall of eyeliner is taking it off. You have to scrub your eyes with special eye make-up remover. It is really oily- a loss//loss situation. If you don't take it off, you get dark racoon circles under your eyes. If you do take it off, it takes a while for me. If you don't completely wash off the remover, you can get pimples and wrinkles. TT__TT

If you feel that you are willing to take on the responsibility of washing your face thouroghly (daily) and not stabbing yourself in the eye with eye pencil, then you're ready.

I'd start with eye pencil. Liquid is really hard to deal with. It is hard to get off if you make a mistake and its really dark. Pencil sometimes fades into grey (if you are using black) so it doesn't look as harsh, and it is easier to fix if you make a mistake. Tell your mom that you are intending to start out with a basic pencil. She may be thinking of the liquid kind, and that can fuel her saying no.

Ask your mom to give you lessons on wearing eyeliner- that way you can put it on so it isn't overwhelming and you don't stab yourself in the eye. ;) Tell her you would feel less self conscious with it on, like you fit in more.

Try convincing her in writing. Type her up a carefully organized, mature letter. That usually works for me when I want to go somewhere, that way I can get all of my arguement out before my mom cuts me off.

Good luck~!! Hope this helps! :D


Just because "everyone else" wears something doesn't mean your mom will say yes. No offense, but saying "everyone else does/wears/eats/jumps off/etc." will probably register as an immature excuse to your mom.

Try telling her in a mature, no-whining way that you think you are ready to wear eyeliner. Then she may think differently. :mellow:

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