Is everyone straight A students?


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Straight A at our school is bad. A for us is only acheieving.

I'm a E student which is the best.

According to our teacher thers only 100/1300 E students.

N is the same as F and 250 people are N.

M is the average at our school. 750 are M

and the rest are all A

I case your confused

E- Best

M-Doing good

A-Just achieving


In 12 years of schooling, I can count my A's on one hand.

I don't recall ever getting a B, I got a few C's, a lot of D's and mostly F's.

I didn't try in school. I knew the work, I just didn't want to have to prove myself on paper.

I get straight A's :]

I even think that my Teacher told someone I was the Smartest person in the class. (Besides her x3)

Weird.... :)

I have A's in SOME subjects....coughbandandchorusrawrcough

Chorus: A [95%]

Band: A+ [100%, I never missed one band practice,rehearsal, lesson.. I never forgot music nor my instrument. :3]

Health: B+ [89%]

LA: C+ [78%. I do really good on quizzes. :3]

Gym: S[satisfactory] I could really care less about my grade in PE.

Sci: D. D: I'm trying to bring my grade up.

SS: B. [One test brought my 1st MP grade down. I did really BAD on that test [19/50]]

Spanish: C

Math: B-... That's still good.. Right? [i used to have a C, but then it went up to a A, and went down to a B]

So my best subjects are:

Chorus, Band,Health,SS, and kinda Math.

Here's how the grading system goes:




D=Nearby Failing




It seems like I'm the only one that isn't, and it's seriously damaging my self-image. Ever since Middle School started I've been really depressed. :furawatchi:
Don't get me wrong...I try my best and study when I need to. As a result, I'm a straight B student. The number of A's of ever gotten can be counted on my hand...
I used to be a straight A student, but that ended [miserably] after sixth grade.

Most of my B's and C's are the result of absences and laziness. 70 vocabulary notecards worth 290 homework points, half of them finished.. That probably took me down a letter grade.

It's also a factor of stress for me when it comes to homework. If I find something too overwhelming, I give up on the paper more easily.

Don't be upset over not being a straight A student. I'm sure it's definitly not thought of as you not living up to somebody's expectations - Everybody's different.

Where I live we do it the other way round (Fs are best, A's are worst) I usually get Cs or Ds.

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I've never been a straight A student, &&honestly I don't think I'll ever be.

I stopped trying in school for a while, &&I just recently started trying to get good grades. I almost have straight A's, but maths and history is too hard for me.

Im a 8.5/10 in school.

Last report card A in English oral and Social Studies :furawatchi: . The rest were B's

I am NEVER going to be a straight A student I'm probably a B+ student :/

P.S. Never absent or late ~ _~

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It seems like I'm the only one that isn't, and it's seriously damaging my self-image. Ever since Middle School started I've been really depressed. :(
Don't get me wrong...I try my best and study when I need to. As a result, I'm a straight B student. The number of A's of ever gotten can be counted on my hand...
me 2! I got A A C C B B! I started out happy and then got harrasted too much! And then got depressed and then got happy agin and now ima hard target! But the dudes think ima ez target still! Their messed up, and so r those who brag too much on their grades! (Not that any of u guys do), but every1 looks up 2me and thinks ima smartie, or they might just be saying that 2 take a vantage of me! I go 2 a messed up skool, it's like heck! :furawatchi: :( -_-

You're not alone! I failed a class and i have to take it again (freshman science-bleh)

I get Bs and the occasional C. Or F...XD

Don't feel bad. I think it's just some people "get it" more than others. Maybe you learn a different way than other kids do, thus you not understanding it as much.

And having B's isn't bad at all. You should be striving to improve your marks, and not reaching the standards set by your peers. If you only get a B, so what? They're your grades, not anyone else's.

No. I get nothing but low C's and D's, but it's not because I'm stupid or because I don't try hard. This'll sound like a ridiculous cop-out, but I have narcolepsy, which is a condition that makes me fall asleep uncontrollably during the day. I get bad grades because I sleep in most of my classes, thus, I miss information. I want to get better grades but I have to talk to my doctor first. So I could be an A student if I didn't have this problem.

nope. D:

I get As - Cs, sometimes Ds.

2.0-3.0 GPA.

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