Is it cold in here?!


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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2004
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Is it just me or is this forum turning a little bit into 'Lord of the Flies'?! :(

We have a new member *removed* which is rather fitting to my theory!  :D

I don't want to sound like mother-hen here, but it would be nice if we can all get along a little bit better. It's getting worse than the UK big brother; this forum is becoming divided and angry. Soooo bi***y 'meaow', handbags at fifty paces!

I am not taking anyones side, as I love you all!

Everyone is valuable here in the forum, I would be heartbroken to see anyone leave.

It's nice we have so many different people on here, so many different opinions and experiences. It would be boring if we were all the same.

I am sorry, I am just a soppy hippy at the moment. I just hate to see so much 'anger' in the forum. "Bad karma man!" :p

Anyway, *handing out a big plate full of cookies* I just had to give thoughts. I don't want to cause any upset! *waves a white flag*

Take care my fellow Tama fans xXx

*Note from Bell Sprout: This topic is old BUT (for future reference) under no circumstances is it acceptable to use public shaming. It doesn't matter how upset you are with another member, if you have a problem talk to a Guide, DO NOT POST ABOUT THEM! Public shaming does not achieve anything! It makes the member you are targeting upset and less compliant and it also causes problems with other members who read what it written.*

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well *removed* is pointin out his views and plooy + buffy callin him stuff,

tellin him to leave etc....

pisses me off

*Edited: Public shaming*

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Remove the pointing finger of blame and replace it with the finger of love! LOL:D

I am not trying to start another war; I am just trying to say "Lets all have a cup of tea."

I know you must be angry, and I have respect for you for standing up for your friend. It take a lot of guts to do it... I am a coward as I don't take sides (as you can see here.)

I have no idea what I can say, I can't stop the arguing thats happening. I just hope that the people who are involved in it realise how silly they look doing it.... I mean come on! Its a Tamagotchi message forum. How on earth could a war of words break out on here?!?!?

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:( wars can break out anywer if they have the right people starting them,

in england we call them 'scallys', troublemakers.....


I agree we should be nicer. This is a place to have some fun. :p

It would also be kind of fun to see a warning system in here.

Three stirkes or some thing next to your name and you're out of here. I like to know who has been naughty.

Some times you just need to vote those troublemakers off the island. :D

I've been in so many online groups. Some times it's necessary to kick out the naughty ones. They get all off topic and weird.

There are also people who just ADORE to have conflict in their lives. So they take it to online groups.

Whoo its like big bro

we r all dividing

*removed*: The lonely poopy no-it-all freaks

*removed*: The cool popular great caring understandable people

You pick your side....

Only jokin bout pickin da sides


*Edited: Names removed*

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:( Would you like to read the post again Tamaplooy? I don't think you understood the content.
Now that has confused me even more...

You mean to tell me that *quote removed*

Is a comment / reply to the first post?! :(

Are you a fan of alternative comedy? :D

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*Removed: Setting bad example*

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This is an old topic... that much is true but it sets an example of what we don't want to see happen in the way of public shaming and arguement wars.

This is the reason that we close topics when it starts to get personal/emotional/flame warish.

BTW, Settings... please don't post in an old topic. Noone really needs to see good example as it may be... it would have been better left burried in the past!!


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