Is it okay for guys to wear skinny jeans?


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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2008
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On daa computerr... =D
I just wanted to know what your opinion was because I just bought a pair today. It's starting to get popular at my school and all my friends are starting to wear them. They are fairly comfortable and I like them.


TDF ^_^

Absolutely. Guys have just as much of a right as girls to wear skinny jeans. If they like them go ahead. It's their opinion no one elses ^_^

Yep. It's their choice. Guys have the same rights as girls to wear skinny jeans.

I personally don't like skinny jeans (on me, anyway ^_^ ). I think I'd rather have some guys I know wear skinnies instead of their usual, 'so-baggy-they're-down-to-your-knees' jeans, which occasionally scares me.

Should guys wear skinnies? Well duh. It's hot. Of course they should. <3

YES. So. Hot. xDD
I don't think guys realize how much girls are okay with them acting 'gay.' Too much masculinity scares us.
yes. scary and annoying. rock those jeans dude.

I don't think it's bad morally speaking, but I do think that guys do look a little ... wierd in tight jeans. At least, skin tight. If they're fitted, then I think they're okay looking. Better than letting them hang down to your ankles. :(

YES. So. Hot. xDD
I don't think guys realize how much girls are okay with them acting 'gay.' Too much masculinity scares us.
Heneh, not me, lol. :(

I see more guys in skinny jeans than girls, lol.

My brother wears only skinny jeans, not baggy or normal jeans. Actually, it kinda scares me when people DON'T wear skinny jeans. And people means both guys and girls.

So yeah, of course it's fine.

Haha sure. If something is comfy, why not wear it?

Besides, I find guys in skinnies are more attractive than guys that have their pants down past their butt. >________>

As a general rule I dislike how guys look in skinny jeans as I think it makes them look feminine. Of course there are some exceptions though.

I dislike how guys look in skinny jeans as I think it makes them look feminine.
That's the point xD

Feminine is adorable. I like it when guys are nice, sweet, and kind of pansies, much better than when they cuss in every sentence, only call me "hoe," "b'tch," or "wh're," and go on and on about how they beat some 'queer' up the other day. All in an attempt to impress me. WTF.

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