IS it true?


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Feb 21, 2008
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im sooo oppset. it says on the commercail that you can marry other families... mines already 10 years old and the matchmaker hasnt came yet! help me!

im sooo oppset. it says on the commercail that you can marry other families... mines already 10 years old and the matchmaker hasnt came yet! help me!
In v5, the matchmaker does not come to you, you go to her!

The 8th menu option (the 3rd on the bottom; the one that looks like a little TV) has a few options when you select it. The first is TV Shopping, the second is Dating Show and the third is Travel Show.

When your tama(s) are adults and have been grown for (I think!!) 48 hours, you can use the Dating Show feature. The matchmaker will show you a mate, and you can choose to marry or cancel the matchmaking session. You can do this 3 times a day until you find who you would like to marry.

I am not 100% positive on how to get one of the "family" groups, but I BELIEVE it starts with the children of your 1st generation (in other words, the 2nd generation).

But, now that you know how to get to the matchmaker, you can definitely have a new generation and start experimenting on how to get a family on your own!

Jennifer :mametchi:

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