Is it unnatural to be able to do...


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
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Hey Everybody!

It's kind of odd but I work out everyday even though I am 11. I do 20 push-ups and 50 sit-ups everyday. I do it without even breaking a sweat or breathing tired or breathing hard.

I am not bragging, I'm just asking why because I think it's kind of weird.

I know I doing the push-ups and sit-ups right because in gym when we do those he says I'm one of the only people in the gym class who does them right.

It's really strange how this is happening and I was wondering if anybody could give me advice or if this is happening to them.

Thanks everybody!



The Reason I Made This Topic:

Was because I asked my friend about it and he says thats odd and unnatural.

I didn't really believe him so I made a topic on TamaTalk to see what people say.

Thanks for all the posts! Usually none of the topics I make are that popular!

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Is it unnatural...?

Nope ;)

It just means that you are one of the lucky people who can do sit ups and push ups well.

You're probably good at other sports too :)

Don't worry about it... just be glad you don't have to work hard at it - I'm sure there are other subjects you find difficult at school, so celebrate the fact that gym class is not a challenge for you ;)

Not unnatural at all. More like, natural, we should all be able to do that. xD

Most people from my class go to a gym, although they are older than me. Personally, I can do as many sit-ups as I like (but I don't like tos urpass 300), at school they make us do 30 obligatory.

I don't like push ups as much but there are many people who can do them quite well.

It is not unnatural, in fact, it's better it means you are fit and in shape and therefore you will be good in other sports areas too. :)

Is it unnatural...?Nope ;)

It just means that you are one of the lucky people who can do sit ups and push ups well.

You're probably good at other sports too :)

Don't worry about it... just be glad you don't have to work hard at it - I'm sure there are other subjects you find difficult at school, so celebrate the fact that gym class is not a challenge for you ;)
Alright thanks. Now that I think about it, it seems like a stupid question.

Thanks for the replies though I appreciate it.


Dont. Its not unnatural, its pretty good that you can do this, but My teacher says, DONT WORK OUT A 11-13.

Male Or Female. it will make your muscles grow too much, and your bones wont catch up. bad Idea to work out if your a tween/young teen.

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Dont. Its not unnatural, its pretty good that you can do this, but My teacher says, DONT WORK OUT A 11-13.

Male Or Female. it will make your muscles grow too much, and your bones wont catch up. bad Idea to work out if your a tween/young teen.
Ok. I just do it to keep myself in shape. I don't really WORK OUT....

Thanks guys (and girls) for all the posts


Unnatural? No.

A gift? Yes. xD

You should be glad and lucky that you are able to do all of that without breaking a sweat. Most people would kill to be like that. Just dont' overdo it. Still too young.


It's natural. You want to care about your physical health.


In PE we do a lot of push-ups ans sit-ups. x_X


Talk about in-human, my friend Jade is... o_O

It is natural.


I can do about 100 curl-ups without breaking a sweat.

But push-ups on the other hand...^.^"


If you can do that without getting tierd, you're super strong. x'D

Last edited by a moderator: it is normal....I often do 100 sit ups and 50 pushups...and I'm a girl!...don't worry...people are different from eachother it is normal....I often do 100 sit ups and 50 pushups...and I'm a girl!...don't worry...people are different from eachother
Yeah but it's really weird because yesterday i did:

1. Long Distance Track-Ran about 3 and a half miles nonstop

2. I did 50 sit-ups and 20 push-ups after dinner and then I did 50 more sit-ups and 20 more push-ups and I still wasn't tired! That equals 100 sit-ups and 40 push-ups! I'm only 11. And it's kinda weird because even today I don't feel any sores or anything.

I thought this was some kinda disease. But, I know absolutely NOTHING about diseases and everybody has been saying it's normal.

Thanks everybody!


Dont. Its not unnatural, its pretty good that you can do this, but My teacher says, DONT WORK OUT A 11-13.

Male Or Female. it will make your muscles grow too much, and your bones wont catch up. bad Idea to work out if your a tween/young teen.
I want that to happen. If I don't exercise, all the muscle turns into fat and that is embarrassing. I just keep myself in shape and not fat.

[SIZE=7pt]Well, as long as you are feeling okay doing it, I don't think that's unnatural or strange.[/SIZE]

I'm a girl, and I love working out. (Swimming, Running, Snowboarding, Surfing, and Biking.) It makes you feel awesome.

It's good to get excersize and stay fit, but just don't obsess over it. You're too young to worry so much. ;)


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Its not Unnatural,I do 50 pushups and about 70 situps everyday (But im in Karate)

Since your young dont work out like to were your gonna puke though, Its very unhealthy ;)
I know. That's kinda the problem. I exercise all the time and I never feel anything. I never go until I puke.

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