Is Santa Clause Real?


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I believe that santa is NOT REAL!!! sorry to put you down but hes a FAKE A FAKE HE DOSENT EXIST!!! sorry just wanted to get my point through, the only way i think he would be real is i i saw him with my own eyes but i havent.

I agree as well but if you really want to know :ph34r: than yes.


I'm really sorry. I guess I'm just a stupid ten year old. Please don't get angry with me. I just wanted to find out. You can call me anything you want. I'm a jerk, I really am. I promise this won't happen again. I'm just an idiot. Can you forgive me? You don't have to like me. That's too much to ask after what I did. I'm sorry. Is it exepted? :p

I'm really sorry. I guess I'm just a stupid ten year old. Please don't get angry with me. I just wanted to find out. You can call me anything you want. I'm a jerk, I really am. I promise this won't happen again. I'm just an idiot. Can you forgive me? You don't have to like me. That's too much to ask after what I did. I'm sorry. Is it exepted? :p
No, don't feel bad please! It's OK. I forgive you.

I don't think that Santa Clause is real.

~ Catagotchi ~

I know the truth but I dont want to tell you but is not my parents tell me when I had 7 know I have 12. The truth is no is your parents I yust saying in a good way but no the make you feel bad way. But theres always something special. Because you dont know what are your parents going to give you. :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :mametchi: :p :wacko: :wacko: :pochitchi: :wacko:

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santa claus is not real and i have a few reasons to believe this:


2. there is no santa claus because what about all the parents going holiday shopping????? does anybody pay attention to that??? they go christmas shopping an hanukkah shopping and whatever else. THE PARENTS GET THE PRESENTS.


Leev him alone! if you the admin whants this topic over heer let him express his questions and his feelings. This is a free country and he can express as he pleases. :angry: :angry:

santa claus is not real and i have a few reasons to believe this:1. im jewish and THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HANUKKAH BUSH! ONLY A MENORAH!!!!!!!

2. there is no santa claus because what about all the parents going holiday shopping????? does anybody pay attention to that??? they go christmas shopping an hanukkah shopping and whatever else. THE PARENTS GET THE PRESENTS.

dont be so mean to the kid

I belive in Santa Clause very much. Since it's almost Christmas, I want to know what YOU think. Please tell me. Tell the truth please. :ph34r:
For what reason is this in Help for New Owners? :gozarutchi:

i_Love_Baby_Kiki, you're right. I fully agree with you.

Whoever started this, I don't mean to yell at you, but just because you're new doesn't mean you get to break the rules.

I don`t believen santa claus, and I`m 10 years old.I knew ever since I was 5...oh, and I`m 9.

Well i would have just moved this topic to Non-TamaTalk but since so many people are making a big deal about it being in the wrong area and making a big deal out of Santa Claus i'm just going to close this. If it is in the wrong section just wait for a tamaguide to move it, complaining and making posts about it isn't going to help anything.

*Closed by Rock'in Robotchi*

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