Is something wrong with me?!


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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
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I've never been much of a big eater, and I don't know if anyone remembers, but awhile back I had been telling everyone how I didn't eat, at all.

Well, it's coming back, it left for like... a year, and then my friend got it, but now I have it again.

I haven't been eating breakfast (Which might explain why I fell asleep in class, and failed my Math test) and that is a big deal for me, because Breakfast was always my favorite meal. Lunch I have at school, and I eat most of that. But by the time Dinner comes around maybe 6 or 7 hours later, I'm still not hungry!

Besides the fact that I am a vegetarian, and we don't have much to eat in the house, because we are having problems with money, and things like that, but I am worried.

I know it's not healthy, but I don't want my friends to worry, I hate making them worry about me.

I don't know if because of Homework I don't want to stop and eat, but I have A LOT of homework.

Just to show you, here's my daily eating:

Before: (summer)

5 scrambled eggs, toast, 2 glasses of juice, and sometimes even more eggs. (Breakfast)

Multiple snacks, until lunch which was either some sort of vegetarian meat-replacement, or a sandwhich.

And then dinner, which was more of the veggie stuff.

Now: (Today)

Breakfast: Nothing.

Lunch: Three Ravioli, and half an orange.

Dinner: I haven't had it yet... But I doubt it will be big, maybe some rice.

Should I be worried?


one time i didnt feel like eatin for a while, i just wouldnt want to eat, even my favorite foods!!! i passed, but it still wasnt good, take a visit to the docter and have him/her check you, if you still dont feel like eating, have a docoter give you a shot to help you eat, (i once needed it cause i was underwheight but instead i just at over the summer and i think ill be fine) also take protien drinks, they are good for you!!!!!!

Im not really sure what to suggest. My first thoughts are that it might be early signs of Anorexia. (Fear of Eating)

It isnt a Body issue, Its a Psychological issue, Just say to yourself; "I know I've got a problem, If I dont eat, Im going to make myself feel even worse."

Yes, But theres Not feeling hungry, and then theres hardly eating, until its Mal-Nutrition. Its not healthy.

Didn't she read? She knows about the problem and wants to fix it. And you're encouraging her to basically starve herself.

No, I'm just telling her not to force herself to eat if she's not hungry.

If she really believes she has some sort of eating problem, she should tell her mom.

Guys, I need help! Fighting isn't doing me any good, nor you!

Please, keep the fighting to IM.

I understand what you all mean, calm down, please.

I think that you should just focus on eating what you need and don't obsess over it much. If you're hungry, have a healthy snack/meal/whatever. I'm not very sure how to help you, but I tried my best. :furawatchi:

Good luck!

Hmm. Perhaps you should talk to a person. I honestly don't thinks it's too serious. If you don't feel like you're going to pass out.

If you've developed a bad habit maybe you should make efforts to un-do it? Err something.

Like try eating full meals..

I'm not making any sense. x___o;

o____O... i think you kinda have the same problem i do or did have ( but im getting better :blink: )???

i used to not eat breakfast and not even at school, i didnt eat scacks at recess, the lunch at school is too disgusting XP, and at dinner i wasnt that time i was 60 pounds which was 20 pounds under normal weight to my age which is kinda bad.... >__>

but ever since i went to the doctor when i was sick for some reason ive been getting hungrier...i would make an extra sandwhich in the morning to take to school, i would ask my friends for some of their lunch :blink: at home i would ask for more food,and when people offer me good food i dont deny! :blink:

to help u, u should ask ur parents for food that you like or just eat snacks at school and stuuf!

since ive been eating more i gained like 10 pounds! XD

im not fat!!!!!!! XP

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It sounds normal to me. During break time or weekends, I do eat breakfast. But when i go to school, I just don't have time. And it doesn't bother me much actually.


How tall are you? How much do you weigh??


I'm short, and I have a super fast metabolism^O^

Honestly I would say don't worry about it.

If you're not hungry, you're not hungry.

In weight watchers, they explained that there are basically 5 stages of hunger.

Starving - Hungry - Not at all Hungry - Satisfied - Stuffed

Not at all Hungry and Satisfied are good places to be.

If you're not hungry, you shouldn't eat. Eating out of boredom is one way to gain excess weight.

Just eat whenever you feel hungry. You don't need to eat all three meals a day, regardless of what some may say.

So long as you're satisfied and not hungry, you're fine.

That happened to me. Sometimes you aren't hungry. I think it is more unhealthy to force yourself to eat, then to just wait until your hungry.

But, breakfast is one of the most important meals in the day. It gives you energy in the morning. I usually eat just a bowl of cereal and go. It's quick and easy. :D

Honestly I would say don't worry about it.If you're not hungry, you're not hungry.

In weight watchers, they explained that there are basically 5 stages of hunger.

Starving - Hungry - Not at all Hungry - Satisfied - Stuffed

Not at all Hungry and Satisfied are good places to be.

If you're not hungry, you shouldn't eat. Eating out of boredom is one way to gain excess weight.

Just eat whenever you feel hungry. You don't need to eat all three meals a day, regardless of what some may say.

So long as you're satisfied and not hungry, you're fine.
I agree 100% ^.^

Thanks for the helpful tips anyone-

I am 11, and I weigh like, 85 pounds? I have the smallest waist in school, about 10 slim... Akwwaarrd, being that I am pretty normally sized, and I am smaller than the smallest girl in my class...

wow ur 11!!! and 85 pounds!!that is sooo normal!!!!!i dont know what ur worrying about.i think the people in ur class are just fat XD.

but its cool that ur 11 cuz im 10!and im 70 pounds!but theres finally someone around my age :)

im in 5th grade and everyone including me are kinda short and we are almost to middle school!im gonna feel so short :'(.oh well

my brother says there are people in highschool that r as tall as me (im 4 feet 10 inches) am i short to my age?just asking ^-^

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