Is the iD L fun?


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Active member
Jan 28, 2012
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ok so I just ordered the iD L yesterday... is it fun? Im hoping I didnt waste my money xD But it seems really fun! is it more fun than the color? This is my first color tamagotchi btw and my first japanese one.. haha

Definetly! I think that you made a good choice for your first Japanese tamagotchi! :)

The iD L has so many features its hard to get bored when you're running it, especially if you have an infra red device that can transfer downloads. Plus, it has a lot of new characters to unlock and get stamps for, which unlock even more features. Also you can get pets, clothes, plant seeds, visit the resturant/cafe/bakery, and remodel your entire home. :) Trust me when I say you made a defeat choice and your money won't be wasted ;)

-32 TamaTomo Characters to get, will last a real long time to obtain all 32 Tamagotchis

-Durability: Extra Strong; will not break easily like connections and TMGOs etc.

-Design: Sparkly!! :D

-Other versions: Princess Spacey iD L and 15th anniversary iD L

-Downloadable Content; take a IR phone and put the files on the phone and beam Via Infrared to the iD L

-Fun, download games!!!

-Dress up your tama!!

-Unlock new locations! ;P

-Gotchi King's castle download gives you bonus money!

-Cute, pretty TamaMori (dresses, hats etc.) items! <3

-Cuter, new animations on download items!

-Let your tama play with toys!!!

-Go to the TamaDepa to buy seeds, toys, a mop, a bathtub cleaner and a vacuum!

-A park when you can talk with other tamas, purchase things for a cheaper price and sell stuff!

-Go outside and plant seeds!

-Get a pet. <3

-Connect with other iDs, iD Ls, and Colors!

-Special JukuTama located in the actual TamaDepa in Japan and connect to it and receive extra rare items!

-Save your tama from dying by pressing the clover icon. D: (Poor tama, a bad owner.. -_- )

-Remodel your house!

-Extra nice wallpapers that you can download!! :D (I love that feature..)

^ That's all I can think of right now.. IL BE BACK.

yay it sounds so fun! :D But how to you download things onto it? like wallpapers and games and things, Ive seen people do it on youtube, and do you need a infer red cell phone? I have an iPhone 4s, so I dont think that is infer red :/ is there anything else I can use to download them? and also, how do you design the wallpapers and things? ahah im really confused with the downloading thing xD but it sounds super fun! :D

Sadly, the iPhone is not infra-red, trust me.

Some people claim success with using an ifra-red dongle USB thingy, but the majority have issues.

The downloads are so much fun, definately inhance the iD L! ^^

Binary made a tutorial (and software) for making downloads, here.

thanks so much :) yeah, I think my parents are not gonna let me buy an infer red phone, considering they spent so much money already on a tamagotchi.. haha :) I guess im just gonna play it without the downloads, unless I can find one of my friends with an infer red phone (i doubt it though, everyone I know has iPhones these days...) are the downloads a huge part of it? or is it still really fun without it?

While on my vacation to the philippines, I came across the Tamagotchi ID L. It' s literally the best tamagotchi I've bought and the only color tama I own. It's really fun, however I don't understand Japanese, so I had a hard time understanding how to use it at first. After playing with it for a couple days, I have figured out what is what. Enjoy your Tamagotchi ID L, I'm going to get another one as soon as I can get back to the mall I bought it from.

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