Is there any surefire way to get a Pyonkotchi?


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Jul 8, 2006
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I hope this is okay to post here. I was wondering if there was a pattern that will better help get the tama Pyonkotchi. It's very cute and I'm interested in trying to get it.

Also, is the character Oniontchi in the V3? On all the lists I've seen it is not, and I am rather interested in that character as well. He looks like an onion.

Too bad they didn't make a corn tamagotchi. XDDD

ALSO, do all tamagotchi turn into Otokitchi/Ojitchi when they get really old? o.o;;

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I'm not sure. I would suggest browsing through some members logs to see if anyone has one and how they cared for it.

And I do believe there are only 2 old characters you can get.

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hi again,

i really dont know how to get a pyonkotchi but there are certain tamas that evolve into that tamagotchi. you will have a better chance of getting a pyonkotchi if you had one of the teenager forms that turn into a pyonkotchi. ill try to find what they are and post here.

no, there isnt an oniontchi in v3

and yes, all tamagotchi when they get old turn into a otokitchi or a ojitchi

I hope this is okay to post here. I was wondering if there was a pattern that will better help get the tama Pyonkotchi. It's very cute and I'm interested in trying to get it.
Also, is the character Oniontchi in the V3? On all the lists I've seen it is not, and I am rather interested in that character as well. He looks like an onion.

Too bad they didn't make a corn tamagotchi. XDDD

ALSO, do all tamagotchi turn into Otokitchi/Ojitchi when they get really old? o.o;;
SUREFIRE>> debugging!

:furawatchi: but thats not wat u meant?

well i had one a while ago a believe its in my log. havent checked up in a while so im not sure.

i for one was disappointed from how bandai messed the animation up from the original mesu/osu pattern. just a thought~

ok, you must be of even generation to get a pyonkotchi. like 2nd generation or 4th or 6th or 8th and so on.

the teenagers that can turn into a pyonkotchi is a nikatchi, piroriroritchi, obotchi, patopatatchi, and young mametchi. hope i helped.

PS you can also get a pyonkotchi by debugging. in debugging you get to choose what tamagotchi you want to raise. here is a topic i made about debugging. click here--------------->A Guide to Debugging/ Made by me tamapal3000


This is my first time soo could you guys be my friends?

And u can get a Oniontchi cause I have a V3 and I had one oniontchi.

By the way today is Monday the 10th July and I bacame 6 years old and I have a baby girl. Any ideas for what to name it before my old tama dies??

To tell me email me on [email protected] or [email protected] or email me on tamatalk!!! 3 good wayszzzz lolz (Rather prefer yahoo PLEASE!)

One more thing, How do get this

:furawatchi: just tell me your user and name make SURE its a female and thats how you can get it!



Aw darn. I have a young mametchi but it's only gen1. Thanks very much Tamapal!!

Debugging sounds very odd, but I'm afraid to do it. I don't want to ruin or permanently alter the tamagotchi...

I can tell you about Pyonkotchis. I have had them too much, on my every odd generation!

Pyonkotchi is a Mametchi/Mimitchi level character

My tips:

-Odd generation

-Pyonkotchi can come from any odd generation teen

- Nearly perfect or perfect care

- Discipline always

- Maybe little spoiling with snacks

Those tips will help, but I will not guarantee that they work. That could result a Mametchi or a Furawatchi also.

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