Is there anyone on Tamatalk?


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Yeash :blink:

Tamaw/pants-S/hes my cusen :p

jesusizmyhomeboy-Shes my bffl (shes never posted)

The only person I know who joined (but never posted, she doesnt know how tamatalk works) is Dennis_22, She's my friend from school that i told to join.

SpiffyBanoon (If I wake up early enough :D )


I know Firdgos

(luke whats aimmes adresS)

(aimme whats laurens adress lol)

Jordan380(ME I KNOW ME)

Acid_Rain(good mate)

Jordan380(ME I KNOW ME)
You know yourself o_O XD

I know

gaara_girl_0929 (me!)

inuyasha_darkness (ME!)

kittygirl_0929 (M..*anime sweatdrop* who do you think? XD)

Yep, my cousin Brenda, Brendagotchi111, and my friend kittyopagotchi. They are both cool!


Tamakid105,Pop-Tart,Heather(dunno her user) and raquel and my other bff dominique(dunno there users)they all live near me!


Nope, not that I'm aware of.

And if they were they probably wouldn't be active, although I told my friend from school to join but she only did like 1 post or 2 posts..

My best friend for life is on here but she is at a camp for a month,so I can't talk to her now but her username is mametchifan1991 and she told me she got suspended for her brother coming on and cursing. <_< Bu8t she said she can come on now.

I know beachbabe, but she hasn't been on in like a millenium....

I also know monkeyrox22 who was banned, and crowned the most immature person on TamaTalk <_<

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