Is this even right!?


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I was so close to posting a topic like this earlier but my dad had to use the PC so I need to retype this...
So called friend= A short girl, whom is 11, and is uber overweight (Looks to be a whale in disguise)

weeks ago my so called friend was pressuring me to do a front flip on her trampoline. Ive had a bad expirience doing it but I did it........and hurt my back BADLY in the process. I went home cause it was late but I was in pain.

Well last week me and her were on the trampoline again but my back was giving out, I couldnt jump without feeling bad pain :D So I was laying on the trampoline. Marissa REALLY wanted me to jump but when I said I didnt wanna cause I was in pain (Only when I jumped) She saw some blood veins on thy stomach, and called em Stretch marks. Then when I didnt get up she started saying stuff that offended me GREATLY like "Only fatties cant jump, karen get off the trampoline! Your starting to make me jump!" Then she pretended the cause of her jumping was me >.< and she was saying crap like "Atleast I dont have a cheapassed headband!" I was wearing my Naruto Headband at the time.... Then she started calling me Ghetto. I ignored it by Hummin Lies (Evanescence) Then I get fed up with it and rank ONCE about her pool compared to mines and she sent me home... Despite the pain.

I havent talked nor seen her since, but does that sound like a nice person!? Getting mad at her friend for having backpains? Calling her friend Fat? She kept saying retarded stuff that Im fat, when Im tall!?

*Edit - Language police*
it can happpen, i had a 'friend' once who did that...her emotions were crushed after her last insult to me(me not letting her listen to high school musical?yelled in my ear and junk!)

Not really :huh: Everyone in my class thinks Im *weird/special* XD Only a few people dont- Sarah, A friend I think. I got suspended cause of her though. My best friend EVER moved to Vermont in November.
And it is as bad as it sounds, a bit worse...

I USED to go to school with her, I moved to Middle School shes in Elementary. She also said "Atleast I dont like that stupid Inuyasha stuff" which she was reffering to Tamagotchis when I corrected her she said "So!?" Acting like Tamagotchis and Inuyasha were the same... >.< I hate when people insult my love for Japanese stuff. Im goina have to find a way to scooter around the neighborhood without making contact!
Just ignore thoughs jerky people who call you weird or special. I know how you feel though when people insult Japense stuff. My friend Michelle makes fun of all it the time, but I just ignore her or tell her to shut up. Try to find people at your school who have the same likes as you, it worked for me when I had no friends.

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I'd have shoved her off the trampoline ^.^

And no, it's not right for her to act like that towards you for not jumping. Though if you were in pain you should have just gotten off the trampoline in the first place.

Ah, what a stupid friend to have. <.< She's so pathetic. Hahaha...

But just remember MB, we here are your friends too. 8]

I would have probably wanted to push her off the trampoline and throw her to a pack of starving stray dogs. At least the dogs would have gotten some food. :lol:

But that's just how vengeful I am when it comes to people making me angry.

Even though it's never happened to me, I can't stand when people make fun of people just because they like stuff from Japan. And insulting your headband - that's just TOO FAR! I have to say, I love Naruto, too. I like almost anything from Japan. One of my friends went to Disney Land in California over the summer, and she brought me back a Japanese Minnie doll! She's wearing the kimono, she's got the fan, even the shoes!

Well, that was a little bit too far off topic. My advice (realistically) is to either:

a ) Try to make up with her. Explain the situation to her, in case she didn't understand the circumstances.

b ) If that doesn't work, get a new friend. Someone like that doesn't deserve to hang around a good person like you. I would try to find someone who shares your interest in Japanese items; it helps shrink the window of opportunity for teasing over the fact that you like that kind of thing.

And remember, we at TT will always be there for you if you need it.

Did you tell her how much your back hurts? Maybe she doesnt understand, maybe she thought you were just faking, therefore she was joking about the rude comments?
I'm not telling you that she wasn't being mean, because she was.

Has she done anything like this in the past? Does she do this often?

If you answered yes, maybe you should take the others suggestions and drop her, but if you answered no, you should think it out before you decide to do anything too drastic.

Was she a very good friend before this point in time? Did she stand up for you? Stay by yourr side? Help you whenever you were having troubles? Or was she a flaky friend? When you needed help she would say "I dunno, Hey Karen? Pass the cheese!" If you were being bullied, she would run from the trouble, not even telling a teacher?

If she was a great friend, thats all the more reason to stay her friend, but, it is up to you. Sometimes, problems sound not so bad on the PC compared to what really happened.

If she was a flaky friend, thats all the more reason to drop her, but, it is up to you.

Try giving her a call, maybe you can talk it over? Or, when you go back to school, just pretend as if nothing happened, and catch up to her and start talking. If she is acting normaly, maybe she was joking about the insults. But, still, joke or no joke, her comments were very rude. If she continues, appolligies to her, even though it was not your fault.

Whatever happens, you can always come to TT with your problems.

*rubs fingers* Ouch! What a long post.

I have to say, I think you should take her advice. I basically repeated what she said here, but that's just because I think it would be smart to do so.

Hope that helps you! ^.^


Find a new friend people always call me wierd but it doesn't mean things at all to me I still make freinds with most (I get called wierd cause I love school and reading and everyone thinks I'm a guiness except two kids One is really crazy the other is just stupid cause I was on the other side of the room and he said I stole his pencil when it was on his desk and called me a dummy((his favoriteword))for pointing it out).

Not really :lol: Everyone in my class thinks Im *weird/special* XD Only a few people dont- Sarah, A friend I think. I got suspended cause of her though. My best friend EVER moved to Vermont in November.
And it is as bad as it sounds, a bit worse...

I USED to go to school with her, I moved to Middle School shes in Elementary. She also said "Atleast I dont like that stupid Inuyasha stuff" which she was reffering to Tamagotchis when I corrected her she said "So!?" Acting like Tamagotchis and Inuyasha were the same... >.< I hate when people insult my love for Japanese stuff. Im goina have to find a way to scooter around the neighborhood without making contact!
Don't feel bad, some of my 'friends' insult my love of tamas, anime, and manga too.

For example once I was having a sleepover with two of my 'friends' and they were playing nintendogs. Then I grabbed my tama and started playing it. Then I asked them 'Do you like tamas?' And they ansewered 'No thats retated!!' And they both said it!!

Then later I asked them if they ever played a tama and they both ansewered no!!

And then the next day one of them insulted my love of Naruto :p !

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