is this for real?


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
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this is weard.

look at this chart:

(copy into browser, i don't know haw to make it clickable)

comparing to this one:

i don't understand...

i mean... why could Bandai make a v5, and then a v5.5 a few months later?

they look the same. i got a v5.5 for christmas.

i was planing to make a mame family on it to get bagubagutchi, i couldn't!

and also there are extra characters. could someone help me figure this out?


The stores in your city may not be up to date. There were more than a few months between the regular V5 and V5 Celebrity. (The V5 Celebrity was sold as the V5.5 in some parts of the world.)

I got my V5 in January 2008.

It wasn't until July 2008 that I could find a V5 Celebrity.

The earliest I was able to get a MusicStar (which would be the V6, if they were still using V-numbers) was in December 2008.

In Japan, Bandai has released two new Tamagotchi models each year since 2004. They were a little slow getting new models out in other countries, but for the past few years, they've been releasing a new model every 5-8 months in the USA.

but how could that be?

they look the EXACT same

(your still everywhere binary:eek:)

They aren't the same.

The designs are different so is the packaging.

The Celeb designs tend to be 'star' related. They are somewhat easy to tell it's a Celeb edition.

And plese, don't spam. You may end up with negative karma even if it's your own topic.

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I deleted 3 of your posts in this topic because they were just smileys or pointless entries.

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the celebrity's games are:

tama fans

pool play


safe box

billiards(generation 2)

jewels(generation 2)

the celebrity's games are:

tama fans

pool play


safe box

billiards(generation 2)

jewels(generation 2)

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