Is this normal O_O


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The Imaginary story teller

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2008
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In the last hour and a half I have been super thirsty. I have literally drunk at least 15 glasses full of water. I chugged two big cups of water but afterwords i still felt thirsty. So i drank more and more. I drank till i felt like i would puke if i drank more o_O but i was still thirsty. In like 7 minutes i really had to use the bathroom and when i peed my pee was like clear literally clear. after i used the bathroom my stomach felt less full so i drank some more water. But i was still thirsty. The cycle is still continueing and I'm still thirsty ^_^ Is this ... normal? Need help ASAP (as soon as possible)

In the last hour and a half I have been super thirsty. I have literally drunk at least 15 glasses full of water. I chugged two big cups of water but afterwords i still felt thirsty. So i drank more and more. I drank till i felt like i would puke if i drank more o_O but i was still thirsty. In like 7 minutes i really had to use the bathroom and when i peed my pee was like clear literally clear. after i used the bathroom my stomach felt less full so i drank some more water. But i was still thirsty. The cycle is still continueing and I'm still thirsty ^_^ Is this ... normal? Need help ASAP (as soon as possible)
this might sound gross but use ur spit and wash it with ur mouth, it's gross, but it might work... :D :D :D

i dont have any mint gum i'm sup[posed to be sleeping right now I'm, still thirsty. I have drunk 7 more glasses of water ^_^ help me!!!

i dont have any mint gum i'm sup[posed to be sleeping right now I'm, still thirsty. I have drunk 7 more glasses of water ^_^ help me!!!
*asks mom*

Ok, my mom says keep drinking, and shoosh it around in ur mouth, and that ur yeah! :D :D :D

There isn't anything wrong with that.

You'll just be peeing a lot.

You could have diabetes.....well, from what I've heard, if you're constantly thirsty than you could have it.

But I'm not a doctor.

You could just be dehydrated....I'm not sure.

I think that if it continues, see a doctor imeddietly.

^ Yeah, I was just gonna mention that.

Our old cat had diabetes. :eek: No really. My dad said he took Snerty to the vet when he kept falling asleep with his head in the water dish and he was constantly drinking.

It's also a common sign of diabetes in humans. I would tell your parents, and see a doctor.

You should see a doctor if you're concerned about it.

But it's normal to drink lots of water. I think you're actually supposed to drink 2 litres of water a day :eek:

I think you're dehydrated, but in the news I heard some football player died from drinking too much water.. O___O I'm not trying to scare you, but he started throwing up and then they had to bring him to the emergency room. I'm no doctor, so don't ask me anything else medical-related. xDD

I don't think you'd be dehydrated anymore if you drank that much water.

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