Is this Tama a fake?


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Yes, sorry but true, it is , no tamagochi has a b c on the buttons, it tells you in the instruction manual . I have seen that one on E-bay before it is fake, and its very cheap it dosen't even have the BANDAI logo nothing sorry but its a fakie.... HOPE YOU DIDN'T BUY IT!!!? Tell me you didn't buy it :blink:

This can not be real! I wonderd the same thing, but I now know for a fact that it's fake. Look how they labled the buttons, A , B, and C. but no duh, there's no BanDai logo. Lol, don't look at the package: look at the tamagotchis. :blink:

it's convincing but FAKE. That's why I never buy things from e-bay.

Ya, it's fake. It has the old mimitchi picture on it and it has laled A, B, C buttons. Plus, they always say [SIZE=21pt]Tamagotchi connection[/SIZE]

thats so weird... sometimes those fake sellers actually lure pplz into buying it, but the devilgotchi growth chart is screaming out fake. and an old chart too. but it has infa red! fake fake, sorry.

I know all about fake and real tamagotchis and that is a fake! It has no bandai logo, It has a devilgotchi on it, and it has weird tamagotchi keychains. Look in tamagotchi warnings onthis site.

Its not a fake its one from jappan I got one its rubbish :D

that's fake. always look for the bandai sign on a tamagotchi packet. if it says



(white type and red background.)

hop e tha helps

It is not fake at all it is from the 90's because my friend youst to have one just like it!

Very convincing but unfortunatly fake.

Tamagotchis don't hav a, b & c above da buttons!!!!!!!!!!! :D :blink: ;) :furawatchi:

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