Is V5.5 out already?


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Is V5.5 out already? When will it be out??? :(
Actually, v5.5 did not come out. but yes a new tama was released in late july or early august. It is called a v5 celebrity tama, or a new version of familitchi. Your family can become a social, paparazzi, or royal family. I hope I helped.

-Tama paridise

i dont even have a v5...

i only have a v1, v2, 2 v3s, and a v4

i want a v5 but my parents wont let me "waste" more money on tamagotchis...even tho it's my choice what i spend it on.

i dont even have a v5...i only have a v1, v2, 2 v3s, and a v4

i want a v5 but my parents wont let me "waste" more money on tamagotchis...even tho it's my choice what i spend it on.
Hey, I have like 40 tamas, i have like every version. trust me, your parents are so right. but, they are fun to collect, and its not a TOTAL waste of money anyways. :furawatchi:

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