Is your life fun?


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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In Your Computer
;__; Is your life fun? Like do you hang out with your friends all the time, and like go to places to eat, play games, watch movies, etc.. Do you do it on a daily basis?

Yes,I find my life fun,I don't do all of that on a daily basis but you's enjoyable.How is your life?

Mine's, meh. Not very exciting really. >< I have annoying neighbors that come to my front door everytime I go outside, none of my friends are within walking distance of my house, I never really DO anything. Total preteen only child. :)

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Eh, I find my life quite boring actually.

In the town I live in, I have no friends here now. Well I used to but now they're all out getting high and drinking, And Half of them are like, 12. <__<

But since I'm moving (back to the town/village I was living in before) again, My best friend is there, So My life will be pretty fun then. ^^

Ugh, no. I sleep most of the day or go on the computer, I have no friends. I have some kind of phobia about leaving my house at time's..

Sorry for ranting :/

Strangely yes, when school is around though! Hanging with friends after school and weekends but when its the summer holidays we kind of loose contact. x]

Yes, I usually go out to eat and everything but between that, lifes boring in certain parts. What about your life locky? You don't sound happy with yours. ;(

My parents dont really let me go out with friends alot. Only like a stayover. I am not really aloud to anywhere by myself

Locky: I tried to Pm you, but it said you were on my block list, but your not D<

Somedays it is. Other days I'm bored out of my brain. It varies.

I can't hang out with friends all the time, but I can make fun with my life. I believe that I can do anything I want, and every time I get a chance I do what I can to have fun. But my life is really changeable, like one day I'm about to kill myself and the next day I'm the luckiest girl in the world! But when I look back on it all, the word to summarize it is...well, CRAZY! in good ways and bad ways.

Well my life is fun I love playing and jumping off stuff so yea I'd consider it a blast X3. And no I don't get to hang out with friends I don't know where they live but I do hang out with my family and go to the mall and stuff. ^_______^

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Well I don't have a lot of friends, but I go to camp and we go on all kinds of fun trips~


I usually entertain myself at home though. :3

Aha, at the moment.. My life is probably as boring as it gets.

Mainly because I have five days of summer vacation left, and all of my vacations this year went.. Wrong.

First visit to the lake this summer, Nicole hurt her elbow and I passed out in the ER.

In Kansas City, it was hot humid as hell..

And on the second visit to the lake, I didn't get to tube because I had to wear a brace on my wrist for the ligament.

Then Nicole's parents get a divorce, she spent two nights in the hospital for possible apendicitis, and her grandma passes away the day after she gets let out.

Oh dear.

My life isn't fun so much as exciting in the 'Ohnoes' way. :3's ohkay.

It's not like "OHMAIGAWD PARTY!" but's it not like "Crap, I have nothing to do."

It's somewhere in between that, I guess.

My life is average. Sometimes I can persuade someone to play chess or Guitar Hero with me, I see my friend regularly, ya know.

My life is actually pretty boring o.o;

Occasionally I get out and do something, go to the mall or some sort of store. Mostly I just stay at home and play games/go online.

I'm on L&I from work, so I'm not working right now. I'm at the point of broke boredom that I WISH I was still working -.-

My life really sucks sometimes. I used to wanna die I hated it so bad, but I'm happier now. I guess it's average. I do all the stuff you said sometimes. ahhh. I rate it 6/10.

In my opinon yesh

I got buddies

I got places to go

I get good food and not fast food or things like crap in a bottle/box/can

I have kitties ^^

I have a decent house

Decent neighborhood

Decent town

Good family (no divorces or anything)

And I get to go to parties and stuff

And I'm going to have a soon to be uncle and I've met him and he is the BOMB DIGGEDY!!!!

But I wanna be an actress so freaking badly!!! That's all I want! Besides nick jonas :3

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