Is your tama debugged?


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Oh I forgot the 4 qs about debugging:

1.Can you debug a connexion or connection v4 v4.5 or v5?

2.What are the good and bad things about debugging?

3.How does hyperspeed affect your tama? How fast does it move?

4.What characters can I choose and what happens once I have chose a character?

Thanks for replying and voting.

First of all, wrong forum. This should be in What's on Your Mind. 2nd of all, I will never ever ever...debug my tamagotchis. Never.

I said "Other".

My V2 is debugged, and my V3 used to be. My V3 is proof that debugging isn't the only dangerous part of it. Undebugging is just as bad. I'm never going to debug my V4s, and I may get a second V5 to debug, as it's debugging works and fascinates me.

1. You can debug V4/.5, but it's in infinite hyperspeed, and you can't take care of your tama. V5 debugging works, as proven by Binary on Tama-Zone

2. Good: New characters, choice of characters, hyperspeed

2. Bad: Possibility of braking, glitches,

3. Hyperspeed basically is the only way to speed up your tamas growth, and goes about 3 minutes a second(?)

4. It's different for each version, and choosing a character just starts normal tama life in all without a 4, with the exception of hyperspeed.

One of the coolest things about hyperspeed is the ability to go through up to 10 or so generations a day if you feel like it.

Yes I have a debugged V3. Just because I was currious how it would be to have a Tama in hyperspeed and everything. But I prefer undebugged Tamagotchis, because I think the growing is the most exiting... "what will it become!!!"

Nope; de-bugging is off my list! I'll never debug. Just think about it: the cons of de-bugging outweight the pros! I don't support de-bugging, either.

Debugging spoils all the fun. If I ever debugged, I would probably be more upset then happy. It could spoil my tama and someone told me it doesnt let you in tamatown!

I would never debug. I have never done and I will never do so.

I voted I like spongebob, because he rocks! Otherwise, i would NEVER debug my tamagotchis. Cause as far as i know, people who have debugged have destroyed their tamaogtchis!

I would never risk my tamagotchi and debug it. Especially the v5, you have to like take everything out of place. But I tried once and it did not work, and I was so scared. Debugging seems cool, but I dont recommend it to anyone unless you have successfully done it before. But good luck if you are going to do it.

Thanks for all your opinions. I am not sure if I should debug or not...
Well,just think it is pretty risky and you could break your tamagotchi and never be able to get it fixed.This happened to my v4.5....debugging is very hard so therefore i strongly recommend you do not try it.

-heart of stone87

I debugged but I now can't get it out of hyperspeed! Could somebody help me!!!!!!!!!

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