It looks like a tamagotchi


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Mr Sanders

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
just yesterday i got my new tama (or atleast i think it's a tama) for $10 and it looks

exactly like my avatar. IS IT A TAMA ?????? :) :angry:

It sure looks legitimate. Start playing with it, and if anything seems strange, reply back to me.


tiny little quiet beeping sounds (it's a malfunction...we like to call it the heartbeat. Results from constant animations as the Tama moves around the screen.)


screen freezing up

suddenly resetting without the button being pushed

Did you buy it from Ebay? If so, could you give us the link to the auction?

No, I did not buy it on e bay! I got it at a $2 shop in Bentleigh. And there is something

weird hapening it will only play 1 game in it's whole life! "DANCE WITH THE CHICKEN"


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I'm sorry to say this but u got ripped off! I think u can sew the store thou to bandai for claiming to sell "real tamagotchi's" when they're clearly selling fakes! :wub: I'm not sure though I'll have to check my law books.

P.s i have high hopes you'll get a real tama.

Yeah, it does sound like a fake. There is no such game in an official tamagotchi. The price you paid is a dead giveaway as well, they should sell for at least $14 in a retail store.

:) Yup, u got ripped off. :wacko: In the real tamagotchis (V1) there r 2 games called Dance & Jump. I'm not sure about V2. You should :unsure: sue :angry: the store like mametchi13192 said. I hope u get a real tama soon.
I'm sorry to say, yes, I agree, you've definately been ripped off. I hope you get a new, real tamagotchi soon.

Well, there's no way /you/ could sue that store, but you could contact the store and let them know they're selling fakes. Chances are they don't even know. If you tell them this and bring in the fake tama you purchased (along with the receipt) they should give you your money back.

:ph34r: :huh: Sorry to hear tat u got ripped off my friend has the one u have and it is a fake one so u have a fake one and as everyone else said u should sue the shop u bought it from









from ***Tama Love*** :huh:

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