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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2008
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Sitting at a desk... drawing pictures...
;) [SIZE=21pt]After months of slaving away, I have finally finished my fist graphic novel!!!! IT'S DONE!!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]From my end at least. The colorist still needs to work on the last few pages, then the writer is gonna do the bubbles, and then we need to send it off to the printer.[/SIZE] I finished the last page on Friday and was so excited that I pulled an all-nighter working on the cover even though I had "work-work" at 9AM. I'm running off of adrenaline and a three hour nap. I'm so excited!!! :mimitchi:

This is an 80+ page comic book that I'm bringing with me to the Alternative Press Expo in November... I'm hoping that a big company like Image, SLG, or someone will pick it up and with any luck, it may be a hit! I may turn into a professional comic book artist!!! XD If not, I'll still be an independent comic book publisher and peddle my books to stores all old school like but !!!! Whew! I'M ALL DONE!!


::dances like a maniac at three in the morning::


That takes a lot of discipline and determination.


LOL. Congrats! I hope things turn out well at the Expo. I would love to read it.

What's it about? =3

If a big company DOES pick it up, tell us the name! We'll look out for you, then when your big and famous with us crowding around you, we can scream "THEIR FROM TAMATALK! YAAAAY!" At you :(

Awesome! Congratulations on your achievement :D I want to create a graphic novel as my personal project (that's a BIG one) next year - and now I've found the right person to get advice from! ;) So you did the drawing I guess? I'll have to do the drawing AND the writing and colouring and speech bubbles then... but I'm up for the challenge! :furawatchi:

Again, congratulations! I want to be a comic book artist as well!

:D My comic is called ArmoredSoldier Valkyrion: White Rose. I've Illustrated almost all the books in the Valkyrion series and have been a big hand in developing the universe. Valkyrion itself is a Space Opera of sorts. It's inspired by works like Mobile Suit Gundam and works found in Heavy Metal magazine; science fiction, war drama, romance, and giant robots...

White Rose is about an ace fighter pilot and how he has to fight against everything he has fought to have to be with an ailen girl he finds in a downed craft. With the whole world angry at his decisions, will he even survive?


Making a comic is a long process and takes a lot of dedication. I've done lots of short comics before I started this one. DON'T START WITH A LONG COMIC!! If you're going to start making your own comic, start with something you like, keep the story simple and don't nit-pick your artwork. Comics require you to draw lots of pictures to keep a story going, if you go too slow you're story won't flow properly. So don't try to make every panel a masterpiece, you only need maybe one main panel per page to be really good. Also, study lots of different comics to see what techniques they use, don't limit yourself to only manga or something... even if it's your favorite form, you might find something you like in other ones as well... :)

Yay!! I'm gonna go make some extra stuff now!! XD

:D My comic is called ArmoredSoldier Valkyrion: White Rose. I've Illustrated almost all the books in the Valkyrion series and have been a big hand in developing the universe. Valkyrion itself is a Space Opera of sorts. It's inspired by works like Mobile Suit Gundam and works found in Heavy Metal magazine; science fiction, war drama, romance, and giant robots...
White Rose is about an ace fighter pilot and how he has to fight against everything he has fought to have to be with an ailen girl he finds in a downed craft. With the whole world angry at his decisions, will he even survive?


Making a comic is a long process and takes a lot of dedication. I've done lots of short comics before I started this one. DON'T START WITH A LONG COMIC!! If you're going to start making your own comic, start with something you like, keep the story simple and don't nit-pick your artwork. Comics require you to draw lots of pictures to keep a story going, if you go too slow you're story won't flow properly. So don't try to make every panel a masterpiece, you only need maybe one main panel per page to be really good. Also, study lots of different comics to see what techniques they use, don't limit yourself to only manga or something... even if it's your favorite form, you might find something you like in other ones as well... :)

Yay!! I'm gonna go make some extra stuff now!! XD
eck, it looks kind of sick, including the big animated breasts. But it does look kind of cool, congrats!!!!!

Making a comic is a long process and takes a lot of dedication. I've done lots of short comics before I started this one. DON'T START WITH A LONG COMIC!! If you're going to start making your own comic, start with something you like, keep the story simple and don't nit-pick your artwork. Comics require you to draw lots of pictures to keep a story going, if you go too slow you're story won't flow properly. So don't try to make every panel a masterpiece, you only need maybe one main panel per page to be really good. Also, study lots of different comics to see what techniques they use, don't limit yourself to only manga or something... even if it's your favorite form, you might find something you like in other ones as well... :angry:
Yay!! I'm gonna go make some extra stuff now!! XD
Thank you for your suggestions! I might start with a few 'experimental' simple comics first, as there's still about a year to go until I need to start my personal project. And the personal project continues through to the year after, it starts in year 9 and finishes in year 10, so I guess I'll have a lot of time to play around with the art of comicking (lol is this even a word?? :) ) and discover a style of my own! :angry:

Thank you for your suggestions! I might start with a few 'experimental' simple comics first, as there's still about a year to go until I need to start my personal project. And the personal project continues through to the year after, it starts in year 9 and finishes in year 10, so I guess I'll have a lot of time to play around with the art of comicking (lol is this even a word?? :p ) and discover a style of my own! :angry:
There is a famous magazine in Japan called Comickers... and the word makes sense in English.... the word cyberspace was made-up in the book Nuromancer but the word made sense... so even if it isn't a word ... if it makes sense.... why not? :huh: good luck with your comics! Show me some of them! I'd love to see them!!

eck, it looks kind of sick, including the big animated breasts.
First of all, it's silly to think that 'comic' means it's G-rated given that there are so many different genres of them. I noted that my comic might be suited for Heavy Metal which for those who might not know is an adult fantasy comic magazine... I'm sorry if my artwork has offended you but she's covered-up. There's exaggerated cleavage but you can see that in any comic book, even just walking down the street... I don't see anything wrong with the picture.

Secondly, ;) there are no animations on the site... only illustrations.

:eek: It would be good to note though, that most of Valkyrion is for mature audiences. It's violent, smart, and deals with a cast of characters mostly in their 20's. I also like to draw hot girls as much as I like to draw hot guys >:3 one cannot have one without the other! It's kinda a guy story anyway... guys gotta have fun reading it too! :3 I don't really like the picture on the website anyway... it's too old... My writer should put up my kittens instead! (I shall post them here for they are cute)

SO ANYWAY!! Thanks guys! I'll see if I can post a link to a picture of the cover or something later!! :D I'm so happy with it!!

;) Yay!! I have it and now it's finally up on!! XD Now all I gotta do is order some more copies and see what store wants to carry it. Even my website is redesigned!!

::tears:: I haven't gotten any feed back from the companies that I've given the first run of copies to but I really think the book came out well. I'm working on the second issue... it's already better than the first by far... well, I better get back to work!! :)

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