its beeping


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well sometimes it gets higher and changes beat I havent really heard it getting low because of battery life

Snappy cg you have to make sure its the right kind of battery tamas batteries are 2032 or something like that you have to check the battery number

there was one version that didn't do this....but all tamas is kinda neat but also really annoying

My V2 and 3 do that. I'm afriad it will burn out my battery faster... I think it's strange but sometimes I play with them just because I want to play with an older tama. (That and my original black one takes different batteries I don't have... hehehe)

Snappy cg you have to make sure its the right kind of battery tamas batteries are 2032 or something like that you have to check the battery number
i brought a cr 2032 it was the original battery the tamagotchis come with isint it? if it is not then what is please respond over!


yeah it is wierd i dont even use my v2 anymore because it is like junk!

i have it in a box in my storage closet.

Yeah, that's the correct battery, alright. Weird, though. None of mine seem to do it.
I think it is only on v2 and v3 do you have those if you don't that is probably

The beeping sound is the clock. You know how every second little hearts show up/disppear on the screen? That sound means the clock is working. Nothing to be concerned about.

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